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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-03 02:44:14
  • 129


关于”表倍数的句型“的英语句子55个,句子主体:Multiple sentence pattern。以下是关于表倍数的句型的高一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Multiple sentence pattern

1、The evidence provided by this study demonstrated that there was extensive logy of the proteins and antigens between diploid and triploid Paragonimus westermani. 本研究结果表明,卫氏并殖吸虫的二倍体型和三倍体型虫株的蛋白质及其抗原性之间存在着高度的同源性。

2、The different genotype individuals and the mutant alleles in stochastic population (126 individuals) were examined. The frequency of A haplotype and B haplotype was 0.246 and 0.754 respectely. 对养殖群体进行不同单倍型的基因频率和生长关联分析,结果表明,单倍型A的等位基因频率为0.246,单倍型B的等位基因频率为0.754;

3、In some parts of London, rents can be twice those on Avenue Foch in Paris. 第三句话说伦敦房租是巴黎的两倍。

4、Numerical tests show that the speed of the fast algorithm is about several to more than ten times of that of the traditional method. 模型实算表明,本文快速算法的计算速度是传统方法的几倍至十多倍。

5、Results showed that the cardiac enlargement in X-ray films was 78.8%, 64.3%of them were slight enlargements . 83.7%of cardiac enlargements were categorized as mitral type. 结果表明,X线上心脏增大占78.8%,多数为轻度增大,占64.3%,心脏增大形态中以二尖瓣型多见,占83.7%,少数表现为普大―二尖瓣型、普大型及主动脉型。

6、AABB cytotypes are made up of several haplotypes, which may results from their multiple origins. AABB由多个单倍型构成,这有可能是AABB多元起源的结果。

7、Approximate expressions of cross-section mean velocity by exponential function and power function were established. 建立了指数函数型和幂函数型断面平均流速近似表达式;

8、Most people save money for a rainy day. 例句:大多数人攒钱以备不时之需。

9、In DPF environments, large tables are partitioned across multiple database partitions. 在 DPF 环境中,大型表一般要跨多个数据库分区。

10、There are four configurational isomers and every configuration has several different conformers of germacrane derivatives, which tend to exist as the most stable conformers. 吉马烷型倍半萜是众多倍半萜结构骨架类型中最为丰富的一种。

11、Maximum length: 15pages with double-space interline and12pt font size. 最多为十五页长度,两倍行高,字型大小为12。

12、Except a few species in which different polyploidy types were found, most species were very stable in chromosome number. 除个别种内存在不同倍性的细胞型外,绝大多数种的染色体数目非常稳定。

13、The handheld digital microscopic device can perform multi-section high-multiple adjustment. 本 实用新型可进行多段式高倍数调整。

14、Put differently, Lehman's net leverage ratio was either 15 times or 17 times, both sky-high. 换句话说,雷曼的净杠杆比率为15倍或者17倍,这都是天价。

15、The object-oriented model includes many of the concepts of the entity-relationship model, but represents executable code as well as data. 物件定向的模型含实质- 联系的模型许多观念, 但是表现可运行的码和数据。

16、The karyotypes of the first 2 octoploid and the 2 dodecaploid species are reported for the first time. 其中前2种的八倍体核型和2个十二倍体植物的核型为首次报道。

17、The DNA ploidy types and aneuploid was associated with prognosis. 倍体类型及异倍体的含量与其预后相关。

18、Numerical experiments show that the NNKBN model has many advantages over the conventional multi-layer perceptron model. 数值实验表明NNKBN模型在许多方面优于传统的多层感知器模型。

19、It has been suggested that most individuals harbour one predominant dermoscopic type among their naevi. 大多数患者的痣都有一个显著的皮肤镜表现型。

20、A subspace graphical representation model of multivariate data is proposed, which unites several traditional multivariate data visualization methods into the same representation framework. 本文提出多元数据的子空间坐标图表示模型,该模型可以将这些传统多元图表示方法统一到同一个表示框架。

21、Most plants from 3 combinings showed rice japonica type on N6 culture media, less indica type. 在N6培养来源于3个组合的花培植株多数表现为粳型,少数偏籼型。

22、The phenotypic diversity index of G. hirsutum was 1.54, which was higher than other types of cultivated cotton species. 陆地棉种质的表型多样性指数最高,为1.54,其他类型种质的多样性指数较低。

23、Thermometer is used for temperature measurement. In most case a digital thermometer plus K-type thermal couple is used. 温度表用来测量温度。大多数的数字温度表都配用K型的热电偶。

24、The haplotype diversity index and nucleotide diversity index within the Ruichang and the Ninghe populations were both 0, but within Changsha population they were 0.0816 and(0.00315. ) 瑞昌和宁河两群体内的单倍型多样性指数、核苷酸多样性指数均为0,长沙群体内的分别为0.0816、0.00315;

25、In addition to using the right multiples, the valuation model should be based on more than just one variable. 除了使用正确的倍数,估值模型不应只以一个倍数变量为根据。


26、When multistage amplifier has double-input double-output differential circuit, the two methods produce different calculating results. 多级放大器的放大倍数的计算有两种基本方法,但当多级放大器中含有双入双出型差动电路时。

27、Data types for multimodal interaction 多通道交互的数据类型

28、The results showed: diploidy carcinoma which expressed positive BGAwere well differentiation, thick massive or reticular growth pattern and fewermetastasis. 发现,血型抗原表达阳性的二倍体肿瘤多分化较好,表现为团块状或网状生长且很少发生转移。

29、Thus the authors considered that the triploid type of P. westermani might be an autotriploid. 因而认为三倍体型卫氏并殖吸虫是二倍体型卫氏并殖吸虫的同源三倍体。

30、Most numerical data can't be represented as integers. 多数数值型数据不能用整数表示。

31、Glossary model: This is used to ensure the data model uses pre-defined naming conventions in naming data entities. 词汇表模型:该模型用于确保数据模型在命名数据实体时使用预定义的命名约定。

32、PAT and EFAT accept several data types, such as integers, Booleans, floats, enumerates and fixed-size arrays. PAT和EFAT能接受多种数据类型,包括整型、布尔型、浮点型、枚举型变量和有限大小的数组。

33、Numbers in brackets indicate sample size of the haplotype at each location. Boldtypes indicate shared haplotypes. 括号内数字表示在每个采样地点该单元型的样本数,粗体字表示共享单元型。

34、The SQL JOIN statement has long been in the toolkit of database programmers, allowing you to combine the data contained in two or more relational database tables based upon a common attribute. 数据库编程人员对 SQL JOIN 语句的使用由来已久,通过该语句可以基于相同的属性将两个或更多关系数据库表中的数据组合到一起。

35、Japanese encephalitis clinical manifestation take light and popular type as many, approximately composes the total case number 2/3. popular initial period heavy many, later period by light majority. 幸存者都有严贡后退症。乙脑临床表现以轻型和普通型为多,约占总病例数的2/3。流行初期重型较多,后期则以轻型居多。

36、With data organization strategy based on multi-state model, node data model of manufacturing model data management is proposed. 采用基于多态模型的数据组织策略,建立了制造模型数据管理的节点数据对象模型;

37、Two new error models in terms of quaternion algebra are developed: the additive dual quaternion error model and multiplicative dual quaternion error model. 导出了两个完全用四元数代数表达的误差模型:加性对偶四元数误差模型和乘性对偶四元数误差模型。

38、DataObjectTypes represent groupings of primitives and other DataObjectTypes, and are the building blocks of data graphs. 数据对象类型表示原语的分组和其他数据对象类型,是数据图的构建块。

39、Gross specimen and X-ray findings were mainly fungating and intraluminal types. 肿瘤大体类型及X线表现多数为蕈伞型及腔内型。

40、At 25℃ the reproduction rates of macropterous and braehypterous females feeding on the booting-stage plants are 9.8 and 13.3-fold respectively. 在25℃条件下,取食孕穗期水稻的褐飞虱长、短翅型成虫繁殖倍数分别为9.8倍和13.3倍。

41、Currently, Castor supports only two values here: vector for list types, and array for array types. Castor 当前只支持两个值:vector(代表列表类型)和 array(代表数组类型)。

42、Even the accuracy of 2nd-order model is about one time better than that of 1st-order model, but the calculation complexity of 2nd-order is much higher than that of 1st-order model . 虽然,二阶模型的精度比一阶模型高一倍左右,但是二阶模型计算复杂度 比一阶模型计算复杂度 高很多倍。

43、As you can see, the model at this level is representative for most any retailer—online or brick-and-mortar, large or small. 如您可能看到的,这个层次的模型对大多数零售商(无论类型为在线或传统,大型或小型)来说是有代表性的。

44、Most of the cells were elliptical, and a few of them presented bend claval shape. 结果表明,麻疯树根边缘细胞大多数呈椭圆型,少数成弯曲的长条型;

45、The other is the disorder of synapsis of odd-numbered multiple polyploids. 二是奇数倍多倍体联会紊乱型。

46、The calculation results show that the precision of jibe dispersed coefficient season… 计算结果表明,模型为疏系数季节模型,模型精度显著高于自回归模型。

47、Establishment of allopolyploids is favored because of greater niche separation from their diploid progenitors, and taxonomists appear reluctant to name phenotypically cryptic autopolyploid species. 由于与二倍体亲代生态位隔离,异源多倍体更容易形成,而且分类学者们好像很难命名表型模糊的同源多倍体物种。

48、It can deal with data types such as integer, real and their arrays. 可以处理整型、实型、数组类型等多种数据类型的变量;

49、The results showed that a total of 79 polymorphic sites were detected from 44 sequences, from which 38 hapolotypes were sorted. 结果表明,44 个基因序列检测到79个多态位点,共生成38个单倍型。

50、Germacrane type sesquiterpenoids are the most abundant among all the sesquiterpenoid skeletons. 烷 型倍半萜是众多倍半萜结构骨架类型中最为丰富的一种。


51、The result showed most of red tides in prawn ponds were polyphase. 研究结果表明:发生在该县虾池中的绝大多数赤潮为多相型赤潮。

52、HY742 double twister is using in double-ply and manifold yarn twisting, it is multi-motor double twister which controlled by microcomputer. HY742型倍捻机是一种用于双股或多股纱线加捻的微电脑控制多电机倍捻机。

53、As specification detail is added to the service model, you develop the canonical message model which represents the physical instantiation of the canonical data model. 随着在服务模型中添加更多的细节,开发规范化消息模型,这个模型代表规范化数据模型的物理实例。

54、The drop-down lists for data types for parameters are pre-filled with an IDS-specific list of data types. 参数的数据类型下拉列表预填充了特定于 IDS 的数据类型。

55、If necessary, your definition may consist of several sentences. 必要 的话,你的定义可多达数句。

56、In model reporting, the data source is a set of meta-models, and each data set contains XPath expressions that use the metamodel structures to query for data from an instance model at runtime. 在模型报表中,数据源就是元模型的设置,每个数据集都包括 XPath 表达式,在运行过程中它们利用元模型结构向实例模型查询数据。

57、Among other things, handles represent the number of files or sockets an application has open. 其中,句柄数代表了某个应用程序打开的文件或套接字数目。

58、The new and unique ones can be added to the list of company definitions. 新的独特的数据类型可以添加到公司数据类型定义列表中。

59、All haplotypes were shared and no private haplotype was fixed in plateau populations. 所有的单倍型被共享, 高原种群没有特有的单倍型。

60、DNA index ( DI ) and DNA ploidy did not correlate with histological type of tumours. DNA指数(DI)和倍性与肿瘤的分型无关。

61、There are various types of bridges available for importing and exporting metadata for database tables, reports, models, user information, etc. 有多种类型的桥,它们可以导入和导出数据库表、报告、模型、用户信息等的元数据。

62、The type argument is the type of the value the expression evaluates to. 类型参数就是表达式要计算的值的类型。

63、In other words, the person wants to ask, "How much i prime and how much j prime do I need to build up the vector A?" 换句话说,有人会问,"我需要用多少倍的 i' 和多少倍的 j',来组成矢量 A"

64、Embryonic stem cells cultured for 15 passages stably retaind a normal karyotype. 传15代后仍表现正常的二倍体核型。

65、The overall haplotypes diversity reached0.9960. 单倍型基因多样性为0.9960。

66、It gives double the LENGTH function value if double-byte data type is used as input. 如果使用双字节数据类型作为输入,它就会给出双倍的 LENGTH 函数值。

67、Representation of basic data type, extended data type and 3D entities in R2000 DWG file are ilrated. 在具体数据类型方面还包括基本数据类型,扩展数据类型和三维信息等的内部表示方法。

68、The Tiandan303 is a genetic monogerm polyploid sugar beet hybrid. 甜单303是甜菜遗传单粒型多倍体杂交种。

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