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  • 2022-07-23 07:56:13
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关于”美食的句子“的英语句子43个,句子主体:Delicious sentences。以下是关于美食的句子的初二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Delicious sentences

1、North American walnut tree having light-brown wood and edible nuts; 北美胡桃 树,有浅褐色的木头和可食用的果子;

2、A cook preparestraditional Peruvian food during the Mistura gastronomic fair in Lima, on September 9, 2011. 2011年9月9日,利马Mistura美食节上,一位厨师证在做传统的秘鲁美食。

3、Today Hangzhounese have enjoyed a similar life style, sampling tea and snacks, or appreciating scenery and historical atmosphere, by an antique street. 在古色古香的街道路边,在浓厚的历史氛围里,喝茶赏景,享受美食,这样的日子岂不美哉?

4、A bon vivant is a person with cultivated, refined, and sociable tastes, especially with respect to food and drink. 美食家是有教养、雅致而爱交际的人,尤其在美食美酒方面很有品位。

5、This cookery book is writes by a real epicure. 这本食谱是由一位真正的美食家写的。

6、Most of French love cheese, besides, beef, duck, caviar, duck liver are also French favorite food. 他们大都爱吃奶酪,牛肉、鸭肉、鱼子酱、鹅肝也是法国人心仪的美食。

7、Interestingly enough more and more tapas bars are appearing in the Michelin guide, the bible of gourmets . 有趣的是,很多小菜馆在《米其林美食指南》(美食家的圣经)中出现。

8、An environmentalist who is not a gastronome is boring. 同理,不热爱美食的环境专家也成不了一个好美食家。

9、Many gourmets think France 、Italy and China are the Food Paradise. 很多美食家都认为法国、意大利与中国是美食国度。

10、Then there were plenty of mouth-watering, delicious food on the table. 桌子上摆满了令人垂涎的,美味的食物。

11、A beggar see his poor, turned from think to gourmet "beggar chicken" gave him to eat. 有一个叫花子看他可怜,便把自认为美食的“叫化鸡”送给他吃。

12、This cookery book have being wrote by a real epicure. 这本食谱是由一位真正的美食家写的。

13、Children like the festival very much , because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes . 这是孩子们非常喜欢的节日,因为他们可以吃美食,穿新衣。

14、Food is the best example. The French don't like rushing their meals. 美食就是一个最好的例子,法国人不喜欢匆匆忙忙地吃饭。

15、The exceptional dining experience begins with savory appetizers including fresh seafood plate, continued with four tantalizing beef cuisines to tantalise your taste buds. 这场丰盛的牛肉美食之旅由滋味前菜开始, 包括清新鲜美的滋味海鲜拼盘; 接下来, 四款精选牛肉美食将轮番献上, 让食客大快朵颐。

16、ABSTRACT: Nowadays, more and more people try to pair food with wine. You should also learn some pairing tips to combine food with wine together. 摘要: 现在,越来越多人以葡萄酒来佐餐。既爱美食,又爱美酒的你应该学几招搭配攻略,让美酒美食完美地融合在一起。

17、The ants they shelter are the favorite meal of anteaters. 这个蚂蚁群便成了食蚁动物的美食。

18、For example, we did a "Foods of the World Day" where had delicacies from Europe, Africa, Asia and elsewhere. 比如,我们举办了“世界美食节”,展示了欧洲、非洲和亚洲的美食。

19、The early evening soiree included a fancy meal of sea bass and duck, the mag reported. 晚会菜肴包括了海鲈鱼和鸭子等美食。

20、Our main customers are from gourmet and delicatessen establishments. 我们的主要客户是从美食和熟食的机构。

21、From Egyptian street food to Sri Lankan food, eggplant is made deliciously across the globe! 从埃及的街头食品到斯里兰卡佳肴,茄子被做成的美味遍布全球!

22、") to the seemingly endless dishes of food at the family table on Thanksgiving Day ("What are we the Rockefellers? 到对看到家里桌子上数不尽的装满美食的盘子说“我们是洛克菲勒家族吗?

23、The plate contained both fishflakes and prawns, with the latter being the much preferred cuisine. 盘子里装着鱼片和大虾,大虾是清洁鱼更喜欢的美食。

24、Food: Iraq bean gourmet many seafood, crab feast, burning flesh etc. Are all signs. 美食:伊豆美食中有许多海鲜类,螃蟹宴、烧肉等都是招牌。

25、The fair aims to promote Peruvian cuisine by showcasing Peruvian food andproducts from all over the country. 此次美食节旨在通过展示秘鲁各地的食物来推广秘鲁美食。


26、After sunset, aardvarks put those claws to good use in acquiring their favorite food—termites. 日落之后,他们锋利的爪子变成了捕食美餐-----白蚁的利器。

27、   eat a lot of delicious food 吃许多美味的食物 Unit

28、Learn how to plate a gourmet lamb chop recipe with expert cooking tips in this free 5-star cuisine video clip. 了解如何板美食羊排在这个自由的5星级美食视频剪辑与专家食谱烹饪技巧。

29、At Le Meridien She Shan, even the most fastidious food critic would be impressed by the delicious dishes. 在艾美酒店,令人震撼的美食体验即便是最苛刻的美食家,也会赞不绝口。

30、Everything for everyone, from the snacker to the gourmand. 每样食物适合每个人,从喜欢吃零食的人到美食家。

31、At Bienville House, travelers can enjoy the finest of culinary offerings. 在号房子,游客可以享受最好的美食产品。

32、In Zone B, there's a Chinese Food Street which includes all the Chinese food. 在B区,你能尝到的美食…在B片区有一个网尽中华美食的“中华美食街”。

33、Foodsion Magazine is a compilation of articles that centred around good food & Life style, F&B industry and food lovers interact with each other through the platform. 食尚是汇集美食与优质生活的杂志,是饮食业、时尚美食爱好者互动的一个平台。

34、We strongly the essence of Chinese cuisine will be the latest fusion cuisine concepts to create the ultimate taste feast for beauty and delicious harmony. 我们极力将中华美食的精髓融合最新的美食理念,打造极致味觉盛宴,让美感和美味和谐共融。

35、Easy food matching, best match: Asian Cuisine, seafood. 适合与亚洲美食、海鲜或清淡型菜肴配食。

36、Barcelona came in second, followed by Copenhagen, London and New York in Food &Wine Magazine's fourth annual list of top cities to go for cutting-edge cuisine and vibrant food scenes. 巴塞罗那位居第二,其次是哥本哈根、伦敦和纽约。这是《美食与美酒》杂志第四次公布最佳美食和活力美食文化城市年度排行。

37、It is like a gourmand confessing he loves McNuggets. 这就像让一位美食家承认他喜欢吃快餐店里的老什子炸鸡一样难堪。

38、Sanzi is a kind of fried food. People called it cold food in the old days. “馓子”为一油炸食品,香脆精美,古时叫“寒具”。

39、The son of a jazz musician, he's a keen electric bass player and something of a foodie. 作为爵士音乐家的儿子,他热衷于演奏电贝司和品尝美食。

40、Dumpling is a Chinese cuisine. 饺子是中国的一种特色美食。

41、Gourmet recipes make the best network, provide the latest recipes food resources, to find food recipes , recipes 592YI. Dishes, Sichuan, Beijing cuisine, Cantonese, Shandong has everything. 做最好的美食菜谱网,提供最新的美食菜谱资源,找美食菜谱,就到592YI菜谱网。家常菜,川菜,浙菜,京菜,粤菜,鲁菜样样都有。

42、If you've been confused by the competing claims of the Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet, and other fad diets, No More Bull! is the book that will set you straight. 如果你一直搞不清楚阿特金斯美食、南海滩美食以及其它种种流行的美食竞相媲美的吹嘘之词,《别再吃牛肉了! 》就是会使你改变错误食谱的书。

43、There were dainties of every kind on the table. 桌子上放著各式各样的精美食品。

44、Iwonder what kind of tasty treats we will get to sample?oing to international food shows are great experiences. 不晓得美食展有什么美食可以尝尝呢?参观国际美食展是一种很棒的经验。

45、Idlers watched from nearby tables, sipping ale and wine, but no one moved to interfere. 旁边桌子的无关者呷了一口美酒和其他美食,但是没有人站出来干预。

46、Huadu District Food Festival held gourmet carnival, Huadu gourmet cooking contest, and Huadu Food Day Tour activities, gourmet display, beer culture. 花都区美食节举办美食嘉年华、花都美食烹饪大赛、花都美食一日游等活动,有美食展示,啤酒文化等。

47、Chinese are famous for their cuisine. Chinese are the ultimate gourmet. 中国以其美食而闻名,中国人更是地道的美食家。

48、A homebody at heart, the Crab enjoys a good home-cooked meal or take-out. 典型的居家一族。蟹子最爱品尝自己亲手做的美食或是叫外卖。

49、Out of Asher his bread shall be fat, and he shall yield royal dainties. 他的食物必定肥美,他有美食可以供奉君王。

50、Random restaurant along the food street. 美食街边随便的一家店。


51、Think back to the gastronomic example. 回过头再来想想关于美食的例子。

52、Baby photos now dot the worktables at its Palo Alto headquarters. Chefs provide free gourmet fare in the company cafeteria. 在帕罗奥图市的总部里,孩子的照片摆在办公桌上,食堂里提供美食家级别的餐饮。

53、Our snack tin is filled with any confection you can imagine, including a bag with a 1/2 dozen of our Scrumptiously Delicious Gourmet Cookies. 我们吃点什么甜点锡充满你能想象其中一个袋子有1/2的十果菜美食美味饼干。

54、The Fat Duck is owned by chef Heston Blumenthal whose style of cooking is often described by foodies as ‘molecular gastronomy’. 肥鸭(餐厅)是由Heston Blumenthal厨师拥有的,其烹饪作风经常被美食家们描述为“美食分子”。

55、Travel and noisy Food Street. 这是喧闹的美食街。

56、This cookery book has been written by a real epicure. 食谱是由一位真正的美食家写的。

57、I can make use of this dull pigeon to grab a delicious feast from the kitchen. 我可利用这只愚蠢的鸽子,从厨房攫食丰美盛餐。

58、Improvised stalls offer the hundred delicious specialities of Morroccan cuisine. 临时搭建的食品摊为上百名食客提供着摩洛哥的美食佳肴。

59、He is well-versed in the topic of molecular cuisine, and has dined at El Bulli with his wife. 他对分子美食主题非常熟悉,并曾在埃尔布利餐馆与他的妻子共进晚餐。

60、Introduce:" treasure Mom is enjoyed feed write down " it is first gear share kind of program by what the child finishs cate together with mom. 简介:《宝妈享食记》是一档由孩子和妈妈一起完成美食的分享类节目。

61、That included Prince Edward, Peach, eggs, cucumbers, cherries, salad dressing. Delicious recipes that are nutritious health. 包含明太子,黄桃,鸡蛋,黄瓜,樱桃,沙拉酱。美味有有营养的健康食谱。

62、Wow! Look at how tiny those seeds are! -They sure are, but these little seeds are gonna make some great-tasting food. 哇!看看这些有多小! - 当然是,但这些小会长成美味的食物。

63、There are no limits to fine dining in Orange County. 橘子郡美食好吃无极限。

64、No wonder steamed fish became so entrenched in the diet. 难怪蒸鱼是广东饮食里一道固定的美食。

65、Hunan cuisine consists of local Cuisines of Xiangjiang Region, Dongting Lake and Xiangxi coteau . 湖南美食共分当地美食湘江地区,洞庭湖区和湘西区县。

66、In the future days, I will lead you to a world of delicious food. 在以后的日子里,我将带领大家进入一片美食天地。

67、Chinese food, food, cinemas, restaurants, the Chinese food court, how to say in English, thank you, what is the abbreviation for 50 points! 中国美食,世界美食,美食城,中国美食城,用英文怎么说,缩写是什么,谢谢50分求助!

68、Raffaele is also a gourmet and loves good food. 拉斐尔也是一个美食家,喜欢各种好吃的食物。

69、Eating out at the new Mong Kok Cooked Food Market. 市民在新启用的旺角熟食市场享用美食。

70、Be not desirous of his dainties: for they are deceitful meat. 不可贪恋他的美食,因为是哄人的食物。

71、When food was placed in the box and microwave energy fed in, the temperture of the food rose very rapidly. 当食品放在盒子里和微波能量的漫衍,美联储在灵敏上升的食品。

72、Beijing roast duck cuisine is being Wangyanyuchuan - Food popular star was born! 北京烤鸭美食正被大家望眼欲穿——超人气美食明星诞生!

73、Every culture has their own cuisine and we can communicate a lot about ourselves in how we assemble raw ingredients into delicious meals. 每种文化都有自己特有的美食,把食品原料加工烹制成美食,便是我们交流沟通之道。

74、I'm such a foodie, I love food. 我是一个美食家,我爱食物。

75、At the majority of events at the Food Network South Beach Wine & Food Festival, celebrity chefs whip up gourmet burgers, lobster rolls and even dim sum for their fans. 美食网报告了南海滩美酒美食节的一场名厨为他们的粉丝做美味的汉堡包,龙虾卷和点心的活动。

英文句子模板76:Delicious sentences

76、Gourmet Street, a paradise of dainty snacks. 美食街——美味小吃的天堂。

77、Bounty of Food: 'Pears and onions, raspberries and cabbage, artichokes and gs. . . all lovingly arranged against a pitch-black cover. Behold, the days before food stylists!' 赞美,“梨,洋葱,覆盆子,卷心菜,蓟,葡萄……”这些食物全部堆砌在黑色的封面上,乍一看去,食品造型师的日子要来临了。

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