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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-30 13:41:59
  • 88


关于”表达自己观点的句子“的英语句子24个,句子主体:A sentence expressing one's point of view。以下是关于表达自己观点的句子的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:A sentence expressing one's point of view

1、Good comprehension of most non-specialist texts, high level of grammatical competence. Can express and support points of view with confidence. 对一般专业文章有良好的理解力,语法能力强, 能够很自信的表达并证明观点。

2、The following contains the key points expressed by the panelists covering 5 major topics. 列出与会者所表达的一些主要观点,大体上涵盖了5个主题。

3、But they can clearly get their two cents in despite having a brain the size of a walnut. 但是它们尽管只有胡桃那么大一点脑子,它们还是能够清楚地表达自己的意见。

4、Saying thanks not only brightens someone else's world, but it also brightens your own. 表达感谢,不仅可以点亮别人的生活,更可以点亮自己的世界。

5、Teachers should not try to persuade students with their personal points of view, but an ideal claoom environment is one that allows students to feel free to express individual beliefs. 老师们不应该尝试着规劝学生接受他们自己的观点而是需要营造出一种气氛,一种让所有的学生都可以自由表达他们的观点的气氛。

6、You must adduce a lot of examples to support your argument. 他引用另一个例子来阐述自己的观点。

7、Objective: To observe the expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF) in lens epithelial cells(LECs) of human fetus. 前言: 目的:观察表皮生长因子(EGF)在人胎儿晶状体上皮细胞的表达。

8、We do not believe in reinventing the wheel, and defining our own pointcut expression language was unjustifiable. 我们不相信重新发明的轮子,而且定义我们自己的切入点表达语言是不合理的。

9、The image shows a wide field of view of 66 degs. apparent angle. 这张图显示这个镜子的表观视场达到66度。

10、The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly. 庸人们不能理解那些拒绝盲目地接受陈腐的传统观念,勇敢的、诚实地表达自已观点的人们。

11、Thomas Schaaf is of a similar opinion: "Per made himself a real hero for the fans during the World Cup with the style in which he plays." 俱乐部主教练托马斯.沙夫也表达了相同的观点:“默特萨克在世界杯期间通过自己的表现成为了球迷心中的英雄。

12、Wu Guanzhi observed prince still is a problem with the ankle, expressed his concern, prince was still cold face. 吴冠志观察到王子尚的脚腕有问题,表达了自己的关心,却遭到王子尚的冷脸。

13、Use your hands more confidently instead of fidgeting with your hands and scratching your face use them to communicate what you are trying to say. 在表达观点时,别再让手无处安放啦,自信点,也别总在聊天的时候玩手指或是挠脸哦。

14、Diageo is a place where no matter who you are, you have a voice at the table. 一名员工称,“在帝亚吉欧,无论你是什么职位,你都拥有表达自己观点的机会。

15、What is your Gundam-ness? 你对高达的观点是什么呢?

16、Although they can express their viewpoints in many ways, they can not become the real propagators of the network media. 他们尽管可以通过多种途径表达自己的观点,但不可能成为真正意义的网络媒体的传播者。

17、Of course, feel free to leave comments on this post if some clarifications are needed, if some mistakes were made, or if you disagree with my statements. 当然,如果本文有些要点需要澄清/确认,亦或者有一些错误的观点,还请你评论,自由发表自己的观点。

18、They are expected to partite in class discussions, express their ideas, and back these ideas up with well-reasoned logic. 学生要参与课堂讨论,表达自己的观点并以合理的逻辑作为支撑;

19、It's a historic moment for them,” he said, because the Palestinians “are able to express their views and express their will through the ballot box.” 这对他们是具有历史意义的时刻",因为巴勒斯坦"能够通过票箱来表达自己的观点和意志"。

20、每个人都有自己的人生,活出精彩 Everyone has their own life, live out the wonderful 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。

21、People have to choose how to act online, what information to share and with whom, which ideas to voice and how to voice them. 人们必须选择在网上如何规范自己的行动、哪些信息可以与人共享以及与谁共享、哪些观点可以表达以及如何表达;

22、Obousy voiced similar sentiments, pointingout the economic importance of such a big footprint. 奥博赛也表达了类似的观点,指出这么大的覆盖区域的经济的重要性。

23、But what I noticed especially last night was the wording in which he tried to express this. 但我昨晚尤其注意到的是,马克吐温表达这个观点的措辞。

24、Often judge from appearances. They observe something; misinterpret what they observe, and make terrible errors in judgment. 常常根据表面现象来判断。他们观察到一点点东西,又曲解了自己的观察,最终做出了严重错误的判断。

25、And what Darwin is claiming here, and it's a controversial and interesting claim, is that language is special in that there's some sort of propensity or capacity or instinct for language unlike the other examples he gives. 达尔文在此所表达的观点,极具争议而又非常有趣,这个观点认为,语言之所以特殊,是因为总有某些倾向,能力或本能,使得语言与他所举的其他例子有所不同


26、Ruins, chambers, rooms, doorways, silent walls, corners and chairs are some of the symbols and indicators I am using to express my ideas. 废墟、厢房、房间、门口、寂静的墙壁、角落和椅子是我用来表达观点的符号和信物。

27、Another idea suggests that dark matter particles are their own antiparticles. 另一种观点认为:暗物质颗粒同时也是自己的反粒子。

28、That self-confidence, responsibility to express their views, be clear, coherent, do not deviate from the topic, but also good at listening, understanding others and emotional content of speech. 即自信、负责地表达自己的观点,做到清楚、连贯、不偏离话题,又能善于倾听、领会别人说话的内容和情感。

29、The language learner may observe how native speakers express themselves, and how native expressions differ from the way the learner. might say them. 语言学习者可以观察说本族语的人如何表达自己,这些本族表达法和学习者可能说出来的表达有何不同之处。

30、Son-wing comrades do not have guilt, you are kind of good, nor is it really hard for everyone to express their views. 子荣同志不必内疚,你是好样的、也确实是为大家而辛勤发表自己观点的。

31、the easier it comes when you are standing in front of people and you have to express yourself, 你会发现,当你站在一群人面前,得表达自己观点的时候,一切会变得更容易,

32、By talking to their children, whatever they decide to say, parents can convey their values, childhood development experts say. 儿童成长教育专家表示,无论家长打算说什么,通过和孩子的谈话,他们都会传达出自己的价值观。

33、The light saturation point and the apparent quantum requirement are higher. 光饱和点和表观量子需要量较高。

34、In fact, his opinion is subjective, and speaks for himself to some degree. 这种表达是主观化的,从某种程度上说实则为夫子自道。

35、Suggestion: If you find yourself just echoing what they are saying, try to offer substantive opinions or observations as well. 如果你发现自己只是在重复他们说的,那么试着去表达些实质性的意见,也可以是相反的观点。

36、Every colleague has the right to express his opinion. I will try my best to make all people agree on one thing. 每一位同事都有权表达他的观点,我会尽量让大家达成共识。

37、His was a collective hatred, and this film reflects his collective view of the bourgeoisie. 他是集体仇恨,这部电影就表达了他对中产阶级的集体观点。

38、Throughout the evening one man had been particularly talkative frequently offering ideas and anecdotes while his wife sat silently beside him on the couch. 聚会期间,一位男士从头到尾都很健谈,表达自己的观点,讲述自己知道的逸闻趣事。

39、Use only the body movements and gestures necessary to make your point, no more. 只有在表达自己的观点必要时才可使用身体动作和手势,仅此而已。

40、You will learn to present the best argu¬ments for your side and understand the weaknesses of your own and others' arguments. 你将学会表达出己方最佳的论点,并察觉自己和他人论点中的弱点。

41、People have the right to express themselves within the law and that includes the right to express views and ideas that some may find offensive. 在法律允许的框架下人们有表达想法的权利,其中包括表达那些有可能得罪人的观点和想法。

42、This idea should not be very surprising, for, as Malcolm Bradbury has pointed out, "the potential of Modernism was long present in the development of literature;" 这一观点并不出人意表,因为对现代主义运动深有研究的英国学者马·布雷德伯里早就在其著作中表达了类似的观点。

43、Individuals and groups can engage in peaceful expression of views using e-mail, instant messaging, chat rooms, and blogs. 个人和团体可以通过电子邮件、即时通讯、聊天室和博客等方式和平表达观点。

44、Offer oneself viewpoint and opinion actively, can use character and idea of oneself of verbal glibly expression. 主动提出自己的观点和意见,能够使用文字与言语流畅地表达自身思想。

45、Excuse me for my ineloquent that I can only express my idea directly. 你说是吧!请原谅我的不善言辞只能直观的表达自己的想法。

46、Although this is a non-technical example, it does ilrate the point I am trying to make concerning "Making comments". 尽管这是一个非专业性的例子,但它确实能够说明我在“如何发言”这个问题上想要表达的观点。

47、Gruff, no-nonsense and tough as nails, Rex voiced his professional opinion to even the highest-ranking Jedi. 直言不讳、一针见血、坚忍不拔的雷克斯甚至敢于向最高级别的绝地表达自己专业的观点。

48、Ms. Badowski tells Mr. Welch her opinion, even when she knows he's not going to agree. And she will defy his orders on occasion. 博得斯基喜欢表达自己的观点,即使她知道韦尔奇并不认可,有时候,她甚至会违抗韦尔奇的指令。

49、For this idea English people have their own saying: ”Nothing venture, nothing gain. 英国人表达这一观念,也有自己的谚语:“不冒险,无所得。”

50、In theory, he will be a delegate of the 27 EU leaders, conveying their views to the world. 理论上,他将是欧盟二十七国的代表,负责向世界表达他们的观点。


51、For Schelling, the Absolute or ‘World-Soul’ is expressed through the dual aspects of nature and mind. 对于谢林来说,绝对或者世界精神是被自然和精神双重观点表达的。

52、The study circle leader should also have a particular responsibility to show contradictionary opinions. 学习圈的组长也有一个特殊的职责就是要表达出相反的观点。

53、Perhaps, this might be the theme, but I will bring my own Gundam-ness to the series. 也许高达是主题,但是我会带着我自己对高达的观点参与到制作中。

54、Journalists should be reasonably objective, though complete objectivity will be different to achieve, as everyone has their own opinions and standpoints. 记者应该相当的客观,尽管完全客观是难以达到的,因为每个人都有自己的观点和意见。

55、You want to use language and choose a space that welcomes people to share their ideas while also letting people know that they should come prepared to defend their ideas fiercely. 你应当通过主持和选择开会地点来鼓励与会人员表达自己的观点看法,同时也让他们明确应当是有备而来,为他们的观点强烈辩护。

56、As for Kevin Kelly’s view: I’ll let Kelly speak for himself as the timely publication of his fascinating book approaches. 至于凯文·凯利的观点:既然他的极具吸引力的好书就要及时出版了,还是让卡利自己表达吧。

57、"He will have to explain some things to me, I didn't understand well, even if everyone can express their own opinion, " 'Carletto' said. “我不明白他的话,即使每个人都有权利表达自己的观点,他也必须向我解释这件事情。” 卡尔洛说道。

58、Formatting, finding your personal style, learning how to articulate thoughts, finding other examples, and relating to different types of people are all needed skills. 抛掉过去的一切。找到你自己的风格,根据不同种类的人,通过找例子来清晰地表达你的观点,是需要技巧的。

59、As for Kevin Kelly’s view: I’ll let Kelly speak for himself as the timely publication of his fascinating book approaches. 至于凯文·凯利的观点:既然他的极具吸引力的好书就要及时出版了,还是让卡利自己表达吧。

60、In academic history, the two points of view regarding the cause of folk custom evolution are virtually two different expressions of the same point of view. 学术史中关于民俗变迁动因的两种观点实际是同一观点的两种不同方式的表达。

61、一名员工称,“在帝亚吉欧,无论你是什么职位,你都拥有表达自己观点的机会。Diageo is a place where no matter who you are, you have a voice at the table.

62、In New Recount, Collection of Stories and Biography of Women in Ancient China, Liu-xiang conveys his ideology and viewpoint through predecessor's materials. 在《新序》、《说苑》、《列女传》中,刘向运用前人的材料来表达自己的思想观点。

63、I want them to have a mind of their own - to stand up for their opinions and thoughts. 我希望孩子有自己的想法,能够坚持自己的观点和思考方式。

64、Let's not take things so personally but give each other the right to have different opinions, the right to disagree. 不要固持一己之见,要允许对方有不同的观点,给对方表达分歧的权利。

65、Disscuss both views and give your own opinion. 讨论双方观点并给出自己观点。

66、Also, people should be provided with proper outlets to air their views and grievances, he said. 同样,必须有合适的宣泄渠道表达观点,申诉苦情,他说。

67、Self-observation and and self-study must, from the first, be accompanied by the struggle against the expression of unpleasant emotions. 观察自己和研究自己的第一步必须努力对抗不愉快情感的表达。

68、Or alternatively we could use databinding expressions to bind against its values. 或者我们可以利用和数据绑定表达式约束对自己的价值观。

69、Ugandans endorse this stance. 乌干达人赞同这一观点。

70、Chatting on line, students can express their feelings and opinions more freely, and even get help with their foreign language studies. 通过网上聊天,学生们可以更自由地表达他们的情感和自己的观点,甚至可以帮助学习外语。

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