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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-01 07:23:02
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关于”新年决心励志的句子“的英语句子25个,句子主体:New year's resolutions inspirational sentences。以下是关于新年决心励志的句子的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:New year's resolutions inspirational sentences

1、Sporting a new close -cut hairstyle – the 20 - year - old is grateful for the chance to try and push on into United's first team. 这位20岁的年轻人换了一个新发型,以表示其对进入主力的决心。

2、But in each case the president needs to show more determination and leadership than he has thus far. 外交手段值得一试。

3、【be against, no one is against this proposal. 没有人反对这个提议。

4、We resolve to get up earlier each morning. 决心、毅力和坚持是获得成功者的特质。

5、所谓的“新年决心”这样看来似乎就是大家一起开的一个玩笑,一个每个人都心知肚明猜谜游戏,即便是下了“决心”,也用不着真的做到下一年不再宿醉。It seems like the whole “New Year’s resolution” thing is a collective lark; a charade that everyone agrees on so as not to admit to actually starting the year with an extended hangover.

6、With a new moon in Gemini, you'd find all the range you need to stay committed. 有了转移至双子座的新月的加持,你会找到坚定不移的决心。

7、The bride and groom new family, new things new everything, to love and honor each other judges, mutual affinity corners, accommodation? People often talk, the confidence to new forever. 新娘新郎新家庭,人新事新样样新,互敬心连心,心心相印心贴心,互让互勉常谈心,信心决心永远新。

8、It seems like the whole “New Year’s resolution” thing is a collective lark; a charade that everyone agrees on so as not to admit to actually starting the year with an extended hangover. 所谓的“新年决心”这样看来似乎就是大家一起开的一个玩笑,一个每个人都心知肚明猜谜游戏,即便是下了“决心”,也用不着真的做到下一年不再宿醉。

9、“Goals” are like “New Year’s resolutions”…frequently made but rarely accomplished. “目标”就像“新年的决心”一样,经常设定,但是很少能够完成。

10、They are discovering, as others before them, the resolve of a great country and a great democracy. 这些统计数据反映了许多农民工的共同决心:把迁居沿海变成一个永久行为。

11、Hoping to excite student interest in our reading center, I asked each teacher to write a New Year's resolution on a special form and send it to me. 为了激励同学们对我们阅览中心的兴趣,我请每位老师在一张特制的表格上写一篇新年决心书交给我。

12、After winning this silver medal I'm even more determined to go back to my club side and finish the year on a high with Umea. 获得这块银牌之后,我更有决心回到于默奥队为今年画上圆满的句号。

13、Like many young and ambitious people, I made up my mind to study abroad. 和许多雄心勃勃的年轻人一样,我决心出国留学。

14、New Year Resolution Hoping to excite student interest in our reading center, I asked each teacher to write a New Year's resolution on a special form and send it to me. 新年决心书 为了激励同学们对我们阅览中心的兴趣,我请每位老师在一张特制的表格上写一篇新年决心书交给我。

15、After released from prison, he was determined to turn over a new leaf. 出狱后,他决心洗心革面,重新做人。

16、I committed to a year of cashless living. 我决心过一年身无分文的日子。

17、Tenacity, resolve and perseverance are the hallmarks of success. 有的是缅怀,决心,团结一致和抑制的愤怒。

18、The new evidence decided her. 新证据使她下了决心。

19、My junior high band directors encouraged me to improve and I decided to try. 初中管乐队的指挥们都鼓励我提高演奏技艺,我也决心试一试。

20、Now comes the big test of his resolve. 我决心在新的一年里取得更大的成绩。

21、Seventy-eight percent of respondents had a New Year's resolution related to their work, compared to 68 percent last year. 的受访者的新年决心跟工作有关,而去年的这一比例是68%。

22、The time for New Year resolutions is here again. But is it worth the pain to make resolutions? 又到新年决心的时间了。但是值得去做这些决心吗?

23、and dreamers who had the faith and the will to make dreams come true. 勇敢,无畏,勇气,胆量使人带有沉着、自信和决心面对危险、恐怖或世事无常的心理素质或状态;

24、Had we all perfect brains, we shouldn't have to make new resolutions every New Year. 如果每个人都拥有完美的头脑,我们就无需年复一年地下新决心。

25、Japanese rice cakes and Chinese dumplings celebrate New Year shall be deemed the best snack food. 日本的年糕和中国的饺子应视为庆祝新年最好的点心食品。


26、The two finalists are well matched and it should result in a nail-biting finish to the tournament. 两个决赛者棋鼓相当,决赛将会扣人心弦的。

27、As my New Year's Resolution, I made a decision to change my life and be healthy.  正如我的新年决心,我决定改变我的生活和健康。

28、Back in 2003, Newsweek's cover blared, "We're Not In the Mood, " and the story hasn't gone away. 早在2003年,《新闻周刊》封面的一句话”我们没有心情“引起了轰动,影响至今。

29、New Year'sresolutions usually don't stick and a big reason is that it's alllike eating sawdust. 新年决心常常无法坚持下去,一个主要原因是这个过程味如嚼。

30、【argue against, we argued against the proposal. 我们据理力争反对这项提议

31、Btw, this is why New Year’s resolutions often fail — people try to tackle more than one change at a time. 顺便提一下,人们在新年时决心要做的事情通常以失败告终,这往往是因为人们总想一次解决多个问题。

32、The mood is grief, purpose, unity, and anger under control. 批评削弱了他的决心。

33、New Year's resolutions have gotten a bad rap because most people lose focus after the first few months of the year. 大部分人的新年决心通常都是三分钟热度,维持不了几个月。

34、【oppose to, the father opposed to his son's marriage. 父亲反对儿子的婚事。

35、The New Year is a time for resolutions. Mentally, at least, most of us could compile formidable lists of 'dos' and 'don'ts'. 新年是下决心的时候,至少在大多数人的心里会编排出一份“应做什么”和“不应做什么”的令人生畏的单子。

36、That girl has great determination. 那女孩子决心很大…

37、NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS: Uphill battle, but slow and steady wins the race 新年的决心:任务艰巨,但是稳扎稳打是制胜的诀窍。

38、The links of our new chain are frail, and barely strong enough to hold their weight, but every moment of determination thickens our resolve. 新链子的链结总是很脆弱,几乎不能承载自身重量,但每一秒的决心都会坚定我们的意志。

39、Daniella? Well, my New Year's resolution is Daniella has to find a new, exciting, fulfilling, well-paid job in 2007. 丹妮娜?嗯,我的新年决心是丹妮娜一定会在2007 年找到一个全新的令人激动的让人满足的高薪工作。

40、Therefore, it's important to have one resolution that is fun. A little sugar with the vinegar. 因此,制定一个有趣的新年决心很重要。要学会苦中作乐。

41、Joining a gym and running a 5k were among her 1996 New Year's resolutions. 于是,她的1996年新年决心就是加入一个健身中心并且参加一次5000米跑。

42、Let’s face it: Almost no one holds true to their New Year’s resolutions permanently. 就让我们面对现实吧:几乎没有人会一直恪守自己新年时下的决心。

43、In total, My new year resolution is having a better English language skill. 我想改善我英文

44、My resolution this year is to try out something new everyday – be it a new recipe, a new song, a new movie, or a new shirt. 我的新年决心是每天坚持尝试一些新事物,比如试做新菜肴、唱新歌、看新电影或是穿新衬衫。

45、1Hoping to excite student interest in our reading center, I asked each teacher to write a New Year's resolution on a special form and send it to me. 1为了激励同学们对我们阅览中心的兴趣,我请每位老师在一张特制的表格上写一篇新年决心书交给我。

46、When they have made their list, they read it to their family or friends and promise to follow their resolutions. 当他们完成了他们的新年决心单后,他们把它读给家人或朋友听,并保证遵 从他们的决心。

47、New avenues of achievement require commitment to growth. 决心力争上游才会有新的成就。

48、Good friends can not only help you through slip-ups, but they can also help keep your New Year's resolution from taking over your life. 好朋友能帮你改正错误,还能让你你的新年决心。走出去,多交几个知心朋友吧。

49、he resolved to give up smoking; He resolved to give up smoking.; [例句]这次手术完了以后他就决心戒烟了。

50、One finishes his new biography largely persuaded by his solution while wishing that he had gone at the task a little less strenuously. 读者能读完这部新的传记,多数是受到莫沙先生的决心的鼓舞,但希望他的这个任务不要如此的艰巨困难。


51、Let's all make that our New Year's resolution-and I wish you a very Happy New Year! 让我们所有人都以此为新年决心,并祝新年快乐!

52、It's just that, in defiance of decades of New Year resolutions, it's unlikely to make us slim. 换句话说,正如我们无视十余年的新年心愿一样,它不可能使我们苗条。

53、Brian: I've decided on my New Year's resolution. I want to quit smoking. 布莱恩:我已立定新年新决心了,我想戒烟。

54、In order to raise the interest for our reading center, I asked every teacher to write a new year resolution on a special form. 为了激励同学们对我们阅览中心的兴趣,我请每位老师在一张特制的表格上写一篇新年决心书交给我。

55、It encouraged experimenters to propose offbeat or novel approaches to problems. 它鼓励实验人员提出大胆或创新的方法来解决问题。

56、If a person in a day, in the heart of the new center will decide a goal, a new life. 假使一个人于某一日,在心中决定了一个新的中心意志,新的生命目标。

57、We got over 1,000 letters, faxes and email from our readers about their New Year's resolutions. 我们收到读者 1000 多封关于Ta们新年决心白勺来信、传真和电子邮件。

58、Deciding to turn over a new leaf in the new year could do more harm than good, a mental health charity has warned. 一家心理健康的慈善组织警告人们:新年立志,决定开启人生崭新一页的做法,对身体造成的影响弊大于利。

59、【object to, i objected to his plan. 我反对他的计划。

60、She assailed her studies with new determination. 她满怀新的决心毅然对付学习。

61、Writing Goals and New Year’s Resolutions Tips for Writers: Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen offers her take on writers’ resolutions for the new year. with a special emphasis on financial goals. 写作目标和新年决心,给撰稿人的小贴士: Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen写了她自己作为作家的新年决心,即将特别强调财务目标。

62、The old man was determined, even at his age, to cross the water to see his youngest son in New Zealand. 这位老人不顾年事已高,决心乘船去见在新西兰的小儿子。

63、I decided to update last year’s post encouraging you to enjoy the race. 我决定更新去年的标杆来鼓励你一起来享受比赛。

64、Apparently, and this is hard to believe – 63% of people make New Year's resolutions that they keep. 很明显,这很难相信- 63% 的人许下他们会遵守的新年决心。

65、The young lady, a victim of the god's unwanted attention, was going to run away with her lover. 年轻女子,为了躲避天神的垂青,决心和恋人私奔。

66、He has straightened up and make something of himself. 他已改过自新,并决心成为一个有所作为的人。

67、Moved to tears, he resolved to plunge into the new battles. 他感动得流下泪来,决心投人新的战斗。

68、South Africa remains resolute in its plans to build six new nuclear reactors by 2030. 南非仍然决心执行到2030年建设6个新的核反应堆的规划。

69、Those born in the year of the snake are said to be marked by wisdom and determination. 据说蛇年出生的人的标志是智慧和决心。

70、In brief, they had decided that they did, "dare to win." 一句话,他们决心“敢于胜利”。

71、I resolve to achieve more in the new year. 我们决心每天早晨起得早些;

72、Keep in touch with them. That's my New Year's resolution. -That's good. 与他们保持联络。那就是我的新年决心。- 那很好。

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