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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-01 15:29:34
  • 103


关于”常用的句型“的英语句子42个,句子主体:Common sentence patterns。以下是关于常用的句型的高三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Common sentence patterns

1、In the eyes of the designer, sized and can be divided into work - and life-and-recuperation of several common types, buyers must first clear their demands. 在设计师眼中,户型可分为工作型、生活型、休养型等几种常见类型,置业者一定要先明确自己的需求。

2、The most common cylinder head types are the hemi, wedge, and semi-hemi. 最常见的气缸盖类型是半球形,楔形和准半球形。

3、Male pattern baldness is the most common form of baldness, where hair is lost in a well-defined pattern beginning above both temples, and results in a distinctive M-shaped hairline. 男性型秃发是最常见的秃发类型,这种类型的秃发有明确的界限,通常先从两鬓开始,最终形成特征性的M形发际线。

4、Even some common conventions are relatively novel: rules for using the oft-abused apostrophe were set only in the middle of the 19th century. 即使是一些常见用法也是相对新奇的:常被滥用的省字号撇号的用法规则直到19世纪中叶才定型。

5、Communication networks can be classified in terms of their physical arrangement or Topologies. Three common topologies are the star, bus, and ring. 通信网络可以按照其物理排列或拓扑结构来分类。有三种常见的拓扑结构:星型、总线型和环型。

6、Additionally, media type is the one application-to-application that users deal with the most. 另外,媒体类型还是一种用户经常处理的应用程序到应用程序类型。

7、The most common blood type in the world is Type O. The rarest, Type A-H, has been found in less than a dozen people since the type was discovered. 世界上最常见的血型是O型。A-H型血自发现以来只在上十人的身上找到过。

8、Fully unstructured grids can be used with all common cell types including polyhedral meshes. 完全非结构化网格可以使用包括多面体网格在内的所有常见单元类型。

9、There are many different types of digital transmission schemes for telemetry seismic instruments. 常见的电缆遥测地震位数字传输方案有不同类型。

10、The CAR(Constant Allometric Ratio)and VAR(Variable Allometric Ratio)models were two basic biomass models most widely used in research and applications. CAR模型和VAR模型是生物量模型研究与应用中最常用的形式。

11、She is late , as is often the case. 她迟到了,这是经常的事。(先行词是整个主句)

12、The common faults of S1240(ELC type)SPC exchange are in user mod ul e, relay module and metering module in daily maintenance work. 在对S1240(ELC型)程控交换机进行日常维护时,常见故障有用户模块、中继模块和计费模块的故障。

13、LightSwitch provides several features to streamline development of business applications. 为了启动您的开发工作,我们为常见的业务应用程序类型制作了初学者工具包。

14、The rest, 13 cases, constituting a total of 6% COlour defectives of the sample, consist of 3 protans, 3 deutans, 1 protanomal, 2 deuteranomals and 4 extreme deuteranomals. 其余13例,占总检查人数的6%,包括甲型色盲3人,乙型色盲3人,甲型异常三色觉者1人,乙型异常三色觉者2人和极端乙型异常三色觉者4人。

15、Huge traffic jams are common in China on some mountain roads. 大型的交通堵塞在中国的一些山路上十分常见。

16、The ARCH model and the nerval net model are often used in the model economic pre-warning. 模型预警法常使用ARCH模型预警与人工神经网络模型预警。

17、The correction is based on a suitable invasion model, such as a step profile or transition zone model. 常使用阶状模型和过渡带模型等侵入模型作侵入校正。

18、Bnother common single-phase BD motor is the split-phase induction motor, commonly used in major appliances such as washing machines and clothes dryers. 别的一种常见的单订交流电单相电机就是分相感应电机,通常用于像洗衣机和干衣机这样的大型家用电器中。

19、Psoriatic arthritis, unusual points, pus this type, erythrodermic. 银屑病分寻常型、关节病型、脓庖型、红皮病型。

20、In Section 2, we review some well-known optimization methods such as the gradient-type methods and Newton-type methods. 第二节概述了一些常见的最优化方法,包括梯度型方法和牛顿型方法。

21、The rates of arthrosis involvment and nails involvment were higher than those in psoriasis vulgaris. 关节及甲受累率高,沟纹舌、 地图舌样损害亦较寻常型银屑病常见。

22、Results: Abnormal karyotype was found in 15 cases (11.54%). 结果:发现异常核型15例,异常核型检出率为11.54%。

23、And one type, adenocarcinoma, is more common in nonsmokers than smokers. 其中的一种类型,腺癌,在非吸烟人群中更加常见。

24、The low and flat wave was found more often than high diastolization wave and high cardiac atrium contraction wave. 在各种异常波型中以低平波最常见,其次是高舒张波和高房缩波。

25、Commercial application of T-503 COS hydrolysis catalyst and T-307 ambient-temperature desulfurization agent in a polypropylene (PP) plant was reported. 介绍了T-503型COS水解催化剂和T-307型常温脱硫剂用于丙烯常温液相精脱硫的工业应用情况。


26、Constants : The following are the integer constants defined. 常量:是定义的整型常量。

27、Results The most pathological type is mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis(43.3%). 结果最常见病理类型为系膜增生性肾炎,占43.3%。

28、Moreover, replacing sleeve style box to 02 style box can obviously increase box's compressive strength. 此外,将常用02型箱型改为套合型箱型,也可明显提高纸箱的抗压强度。

29、There are mainly two types of commonly used model: BMM model and GPD model. 极值理论在许多领域有着广泛的应用,主要有两类常用的模型:BMM模型和GPD模型。

30、It is seen in large dog breeds such as Boxers, Great Danes, and Dobermanns. 常见于大型犬,如拳师犬、 大丹犬和杜宾犬。

31、Whereas EHEC isolates belong to many different serotypes, O157:H7 is the most common serotype associated with human illnesses. EHEC的血清型很多,O157∶H7是与人类疾病相关的最常见的血清型。

32、This value is a constant and can be used wherever a constant of that type is valid. For example: void *ptr; 获得的值的类型是void *,这个值是个常量,并且可以在任何使用这种类型的常量的地方使用。

33、The regression model for contaminated data is a useful model in biostatistics. 染数据回归模型是生物统计中常用的模型。

34、Troubles and troubleshooting in verification of type 751 spectrophotometer were introduced. 介绍751型分光光度计在检定中常见、鲜见故障及其排除方法。

35、By the way, small uniform cells with perinuclear halos can be seen focally in otherwise classic glioblastomas. 顺便说一句,局部见到小而一致的具有核周空晕的细胞是典型的胶质母细胞瘤。

36、Objective:To investigate the correlation between urologic diseases and ABO blood type. 目的:探讨不同ABO血型与常见泌尿系疾病的关系。

37、Support for all common SQL data-types. 支持所有常用的SQL数据类型。

38、The most common cytologic forms of malignant lymphoma involving the orbit are the histiocytic and lymphocytic types. 累及眼眶的恶性淋巴瘤的最常见的细胞学类型是组织细胞和淋巴细胞型。

39、Psoriatic arthritis unusual points pus this type erythrodermic. 寻常型、关节病型、脓庖型、红皮病型。

40、The most common type of small to midsize sailboat is the sloop. 在中小型帆船中最常见的就是单桅帆(sloop)。

41、Mechanical looseness is one of common faults in mechanical equipments. 在机械设备中,机械松动是常见且易发生的故障类型。

42、Conclusion:There are many cardiovascular risk factors in patients with 2 -type diabetes. The CHD patients complicated with 2 -type diabetes often have multi-branch lesions. 结论:2型糖尿病患者常有多种心血管危险因素聚集,冠心病合并2型糖尿病者多支病变常见。

43、ABSTRACT: Never judge a book by its cover, so does the ugly bark of cork oaks. 摘要: 人们常说,人不可貌相,这句话也适用于树皮。

44、Decision tree (DT) is a typical model for symbolic learning, and neural network (NN) is the most popular model for non-symbolic learning. 决策树是一种典型的符号学习模型,神经网络是一种最常见的非符号学习模型。

45、This is pretty rare and is usually found only in large organizations. 这种方法很少见,通常只是在大型组织中看到。

46、The typical use of a ResourceBundle is to handle this type of locale-related difference. ResourceBundle 的一种常见用法就是处理这种类型的与地区有关的差异。

47、A signal model based on Fractional Brownian Motion(FBM) is a common model in nature. 分形布朗运动 (FBM)信号模型是常见的描绘自然现象和物体过程的一种信号模型。

48、Specifies the type of ODF document, the most common of which are text documents, spreadsheet documents, and presentation documents. 指定 ODF 文档的类型,最常见的类型包括文本文档、电子表格文档、演示稿文档。

49、It is the most common type of extranodal low-grade B cell lymphoma. 它是结外低度恶性B细胞淋巴瘤中最常见的一型。

50、In chapter one, the feature, common type and major applications of CLSM were introduced. 本论文共分为七章:第一章介绍了共聚焦扫描显微镜的特点、常见类型及其应用;


51、Fast eaters may have a higher risk of developing the most common form of diabetes, writes Roger Dobson. 进餐速度快的人有更高的风险患上糖尿病中最常见的一型——2型糖尿病。

52、Conclusion Transorbital penetrating craniocerebral injuries is the most common type of penetrating craniofacial injuries. 结论经眶部穿通伤是颅面穿通伤的最常见类型。

53、Telnet - A very good TELNET application that has a typical color VT100 terminal type screen. Telnet是一个非常好的远程登录应用程序,它具有一个非常典型的彩色VT100终端类型的屏幕。

54、Understand the functions and contents of detail drawings. Understand representation methods of typical parts and common process structures. 了解零件图作用与内容,了解典型零件表达方法及常见工艺结构。

55、Drug Eruption is one of the most common clinical types of adverse drug reactions. 药疹是临床上最常见的药品不良反应类型。

56、This type is relatively rare in clinical practice, always put it into generalized pustular psoriasis and two kinds of palmoplantar pustular psoriasis. 此类型在临床上比较少见,往常把它分为泛发性脓疱型牛皮癣及掌跖脓疱型牛皮癣两种。

57、This latter skill, by the way, is incredibly valuable. 顺便提一句,第二个技能是异常宝贵的。

58、The syntactic relations can be found in coordination, concession, cause and result clauses, among which the contrary relation is the most common one. 这两种连用形式,在并列、转折、因果三大类句法关系中都有分布。其中,以对照关系最为常见。

59、Still, the mathematical models used to rank results are usually some variation of the common term-frequency/inversed document frequency model, which is well-mapped territory. 尽管如此,用于排序结果的数学模型通常是常用的 词频/倒排文档频率模型的变体,而对于这种模型,已有很好的研究基础。

60、Boardline personality disorder (62. 4%), compulsive personality disorder(59.1% ) were the most common diagnosis, paranoid personality disorder(52.7% ) was more common diagnosis. 边缘型人格障碍(62.4%)和强迫型人格障碍(59.1%)最常见,其次是偏执型人格障碍(52.7%)。

61、This restaurant often caters for large banquets. 这个饭馆常常承办大型宴会。

62、Identify and correct common network problems at layers 1, 2, 3 and 7 using a layered model approach 用分层模型的方法识别和改正位于1、2、3和七层的常见网络故障

63、This data model represents a common scenario in which portions of XML data are often shredded into a relational structure. 这个数据模型表示一个常见的场景,在此场景中, XML 数据的一些部分常常被分解 到关系结构中。

64、Two of the most common types of flash devices are defined by their respective technologies: NOR and NAND. 两种最常见的 flash 设备类型为:NOR 和 NAND。

65、Motion blur and defocus blur are the common blur types which degrade image. 运动模糊和散焦模糊是常见的两种图像模糊类型。

66、Conclusion Gefitinib associated skin rash are divided Wind-Heat type, Damp-Heat type, Blood-Heat type and Blood-XU type, and has the good effect through Syndrome differentiation. 结论吉非替尼相关皮疹的常见证型为湿热型、风热型、血热型、血虚型,中医辨证治疗有较好的疗效。

67、The usual benefits of type safety as enabled by service contracts. 常见的类型安全好处都是通过服务协约实现的。

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