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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-02 16:04:40
  • 231


关于”含有多个从句的句子“的英语句子22个,句子主体:Sentences with multiple clauses。以下是关于含有多个从句的句子的高一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentences with multiple clauses

1、In other words: fairness, efficiency, and multisectoral action. 换句话说,就是:公平、高效和多部门行动。

2、这两个分句由一个逗号分开。The two clauses are separated by a comma.

3、I want to just talk a little bit about his estimate. 关于他的估算我想多说两句。

4、First we have the "Pilot of some small night-founder'd Skiff," and the pilot stands ab extra, from outside, in the simile. 首先我们有这句“迷茫深夜中,轻舟的导航人“,并且这个导航人在明喻中,体现为从诗句之外向内眺望。

5、It is me who can truly understand how painful you felt at speaking this sentence. And I will enshrine it in my mind forever. 只有我明白你说这句话时内心有多痛,我也把你这句话永远地记在脑海里。

6、Therefore, there are a number of branches of linguistics such as phonology, morphology, syntax, etc. 因此,有很多分支语言学如音韵学,形态学,句法等。

7、The cornea is a part of the eye that helps focus light to create an image on the retina. 角膜是眼睛的一部分,它帮助在视网膜上聚光产生物象。(定语从句转译为并列句)

8、Multiple getConnection calls in one global transaction or LTC will return connection handles with different physical connections. 在一个全局事务或 LTC 中的多个 getConnection 调用将返回包含不同物理连接的连接句柄。

9、Use imperative sentences when giving instructions. 在给予指示的时候多使用祈使句。

10、what color is/are her skirt/trousers which she wears . 用了个定语从句,有些冗杂。

11、An irony is so quiet and so delicate that many readers never notice it. 一句讥讽的话是那样的温和, 那样的含蓄不露, 以致许多读者都没有注意到。

12、Many passages are identically the same, word for word. 许多段落逐字逐句都是一模一样的。

13、This example includes only one elif statement, but in practice you can include as many as the program needs. 本例只包含一个 elif 语句,而实际中可根据程序需要包含任意多个。

14、The two clauses are separated by a comma. 这两个分句由一个逗号分开。

15、Zhang Bin always remember, years later he really understand the meaning of this sentence. 这话张斌一直记着,多年后他也真的明白了这句话的含义。

16、More and more people are forgetting the saying, "Pride comes before a fall." 有愈来愈多的人忘记了“骄者必败”这句俗话。

17、Know, which dare at cardinal mom does the in front talk more half sentence? 知道,哪个敢在主母面前多言半句?

18、A logical combination of IF statements, "CREATE with PARSE" statement and ESQL ASBITSTREAM can be used to eliminate RCD nodes and multiple compute/filter nodes. 可以使用 IF 语句、“CREATE with PARSE”语句和 ESQL ASBITSTREAM 的逻辑组合来消除 RCD 节点和多个计算/筛选器节点。

19、Each file contains the SQL statements captured by each cer member. 每个文件包含每个集群成员捕获的 SQL 语句。

20、In other words, more Caucasians + more students = more revenue. 换句话说呢,白人越多+学生越多=钱钱越多。

21、Let me say something more then about the dualist position. 就二元论观点,我再多说几句

22、Stored procedures can help to avoid network round trips by encapsulating multiple SQL statements. 存储过程可以封装多个 SQL 语句,有助于避免网络往返。

23、More than people, Mo, as parents, " and also a chapter 4." 多人多人,莫如同父母”,也是四句一章。

24、But when each statement includes too many choices and too much code, it could be an indication of code that needs to refactored. 但当一个语句包含太多的选择和代码时,它就可能暗示有需要重构的代码。

25、This sentence is dual semantic focal sentence, in which VP1and VP2 with their mutiple semantic relevance depend on each other for existence and neither of them can be lack. 重动句是双语义焦点句,VP1和VP2在语义上有多种关系,两者互相依存,缺一不可。


26、From that moment forth he had not uttered a word. 从这以后他一句话也没有说。

27、To tell the truth, I left the company to get more income. 说句实话,我离开前个公司是为了赚更多的钱。

28、That will result in a valid SQL statement with either one or more fields in the selected fields list. 这将在选定字段列表中产生一个包含一个或多个字段的有效 SQL 语句。

29、China still has an adage, cry " the method is different, do not be seek " , this word is reflected more those who be in partial play business is medium high-level controller on the body. 中国还有句老话,叫“ 道不同, 不相为谋”,这句话多体现在部分游戏企业的中高层管理者身上。

30、There are numerous contests for haiku , some sponsored by the about societies. 还有很多俳句竞赛,有的是由上面这些会社举办的。

31、Do you know a pleace called home? 哪一句说话令你流最多的眼泪?

32、If necessary, your definition may consist of several sentences. 必要 的话,你的定义可多达数句。

33、The enclosed statements should be indented four more spaces. 被括起的语句必须多缩进四个空格。

34、As a result, the subclass of regular quantified signed formulae, which each formula only contains clauses with at most two signed literals, is tractable. 最后证明如果正规量化带标公式的每一个子句如果最多包含两个文字,则该公式的可满足性问题是易解的。

35、Everything is shining in the sun. 多了几句话,但是我觉得写得不错,希望对你有帮助!

36、That was why he deployed so much arcane terminology, so many loop-de-looping clauses. 所以他才用了这么多玄而又玄的术语,还有这么多一环套一环的从句。

37、So, I added one more: thoughtful JH ! 所以,我得补充一句:智勋考虑得多周到!

38、In other words, a fall to 20.7 per cent would make hardly any difference. 换句话说,含氧量下降到20.7%几乎不会有多大的差别。

39、Young as he is , he knows a lot . 倒装句虽然他很年轻,但他知道得很多。

40、How much variation is there in tone throughout a typical sentence? 在一句话里有多少变调呢?

41、In life as in chess, forethought wins. 曾经看过一句话:人生如下棋,多思则能胜。

42、In other words, it helps to foster pluralism and thus allow each person and each group full play of their ideas and faiths. 换句话说,它有助于形成多元,从而使每个人和每个群体充分实践自己的观念与信仰。

43、In other words, there could be multiple tags under . 换句话说,在 下可以有多个 标记。

44、Steam the tofu and drain excess moisture, mash it up. 假芫茜【例句】将蒸煮滑豆腐先蒸热,去掉多馀水分后压碎;

45、There are several students in our class who are still not sure about the use of attributive cl. 我们班上还有好多学生对定语从句的用法仍没有把握。

46、The end of a line serves to delimit declarations and statements. Colons can be used in most versions of BASIC to separate statements on the same line. 行结束符是用来给说明及语句定界的,大多数BASIC的版本中, 冒号被用来将同一行的语句分开。

47、Now, multiple statements that had each been unique due to the use of literals will be consolidated into a single statement using parameters to improve application performance. 现在,对于由于使用字面值而具有独特性的多个语句,会使用参数把它们整合为单一语句,从而提高应用程序性能。

48、And when they saw how much money had come from the orchard, they suddenly understood what the wise father had meant when he said, "There is gold hidden in the orchard. Dig for it, if you wish it. 他们从果园里得到这么多钱后,突然明白了聪明的父亲所说的“果园里藏有金子,想要就去挖吧”这句话的含义.

49、I bet you know this one, too. 我打赌这句话的含义你一定也知道。

50、Most people save money for a rainy day. 例句:大多数人攒钱以备不时之需。


51、How many Machine Cycles are there in Jump Statements of 8085? 8085跳转语句中有多少个机器周期?

52、The authors prove the study from more aspects, showing that the different choices are used to express that psychological features in the third part. 复句和句群之间大多可以转换,并有着不同的主观视点和不同的心理特征。

53、How long is this phrase here by Johnny Dodds? 强尼·多兹独奏的这段乐句有多长呢

54、Note that we have split the three kernel definition statements into multiple lines for readability. 注意,为了便于阅读,我们已将三个内核定义语句分割为多个行。

55、But I am not special with the differences between Britain English and American English. I want to know (which kind of English what oneself say is )very much and this have actually both different.括号里是宾语从句,里面还有个定语从句

56、This can be used to combine the synchronization point for multiple file handles into a single object. 对于多个文件句柄来说,就可以把这些多个文件句柄合并成一个单独的对象,这个可以被用来结合同步点?

57、ifx_grid_connect() — Connect to grid to run one or more SQL DDL statements ifx_grid_connect():连接到网格以运行一个或多个 SQL DDL 语句。

58、By the way, how much do I have to pay? 顺便问一句,我得纳多少钱的税?

59、If two people have nothing in common, exchanging a few words can be difficult. 话不投机半句多。

60、A lot of long sentences appear in scientific articles. 科技文章中往往出现许多长句。

61、It also contains a lot of files and folders which are preceded by a full-stop. 它也包含许多句点在前的文件和文件夹。

62、When the handle scope's destructor is called all handles created within that scope are removed from the stack. 当句柄范围的析构函数被调用时,所有在那个范围中创建的句柄都将被从栈中移除。

63、Thus, also helps to "from" -sentence toward angles and the future research direction of multidisciplinary research. 这样一来,也有利于对“从”字句今后研究朝多角度,多学科研究的方向迈进。

64、The diversity of syntactic structures is an important feature of literary language . 文学语言的一个重要特点是句法结构的变化多样和丰富多彩。

65、Since Stowell (1981) and Chomsky (1981) put forward the term small clause, small clauses have drawn the attention of many linguists at home and abroad. 自从Stowell和Chomsky在1981年提出小句这个概念之后,小句就成为国内外众多语言学者感兴趣的研究课题之一。

66、How do you think of the second adverbial clause? 你怎么理解第二个状语从句。

67、A good example of this is a process that involves a number of functions, some of which include one or more conditionals, such as if - else and switch statements. 例如涉及多个函数的过程,有些过程包含多个条件,如 if - else 和 switch 语句。

68、A detailed review of studies on sentential semantics made in China since 1978 indicates that the research in this area has been developing as follows. 本文从多方面、多角度回顾和综述了1978年以来我国外语界学者在句子语义学研究中取得的成就。

69、From mother, I understand the motto, "Give others more and leave for yourself less." “给人多,留己少。”从母亲身上,我明白了这句格言的真正含义。

70、One thing that works for me is to make an explicit rule in my head that I have to say something at least every few minutes, preferably more. 对我挺有效的一条是,在脑子里树立一个明晰的条例,规定我必须至少每隔几分钟说几句话,或者更多。

71、He wrenched the meaning of the sentence. 他曲解了这句话的含义。

72、This is an objective clause. Notice the word order. 这是一个宾语从句,注意语序。

73、Yet there is an “unless” looming implicitly in these pages. 然而:“除非”从句在这些页面含蓄出现。

74、He knows many passages from Shakespeare by heart. 他默记了莎士比亚的许多文句。

75、Note that a single SQL statement can contain multiple aggregations. 注意,一条 SQL 语句中可以包含多个聚集。

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