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拍照翻译英语句子的软件 12个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-17 20:04:27
  • 80

拍照翻译英语句子的软件 12个

1. 我喜欢这座城市的建筑风格。I like the architectural style of this city.

2. 这幅画真的很有艺术气息。This painting really has an artistic feel to it.

3. 在这个美丽的景点停下来拍张照片吧。Stop and take a photo at this beautiful spot.

4. 这部电影让我哭了很多次。This movie made me cry many times.

5. 那是一朵漂亮的花。That is a beautiful flower.

6. 这是我和我的家人的合照。This is a group photo of me and my family.

7. 这个餐厅的食物很好吃。The food at this restaurant is delicious.

8. 看看这个细节,它真的很有趣。Look at this detail, it's really interesting.

9. 我喜欢这种简单的设计风格。I like this simple design style.

10. 这个孩子真的很可爱。This child is really cute.

11. 那是一只漂亮的鸟。That is a beautiful bird.

12. 这是一个非常有趣的冒险。This is a very interesting adventure.

13. 我的宠物真的很聪明。My pet is really smart.

14. 那里的风景真的很美。The scenery there is really beautiful.

15. 这座桥真的很壮观。This bridge is really impressive.

16. 这是我们在海滩上玩耍时拍摄的照片。This is a photo taken of us playing on the beach.

17. 我们真的有很多乐趣。We really had a lot of fun.

18. 这座古堡真的很宏伟。This castle is really grand.

19. 我想留下来更长时间。I want to stay longer.

20. 那个夕阳真的很美。That sunset is really beautiful.

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