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英语句子停顿 13个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-02 20:49:49
  • 55

英语句子停顿 13个

1. I love you, but I can't be with you. (我爱你,但我不能和你在一起。)

2. The sun was setting, the sky turned pink and orange. (太阳正在落山,天空变成了粉红色和橙色。)

3. She was exhausted, so she decided to take a nap. (她精疲力尽,所以她决定小憩一下。)

4. The baby was crying, so I picked him up and rocked him. (宝宝在哭,所以我抱起他并摇晃他。)

5. He paused before answering, trying to find the right words. (他停顿了一下回答,试图找到合适的话语。)

6. The storm was raging outside, but inside it was calm and warm. (暴风雨在外面肆虐,但里面是宁静和温暖的。)

7. She looked at him with a sad expression, and he knew something was wrong. (她带着悲伤的表情看着他,他知道出了什么问题。)

8. The train screeched to a halt, and we got off. (火车嘎嘎作响地停了下来,我们下车了。)

9. He took a deep breath and jumped into the water. (他深吸一口气,跳进了水里。)

10. The teacher asked a question, and the class fell silent. (老师提出了问题,整个班级安静下来了。)

11. She heard a noise and turned around to see who it was. (她听到了一声响,转过身看看是谁。)

12. He walked slowly down the street, lost in thought. (他慢慢走在街上,陷入了沉思。)

13. The music started playing, and everyone began to dance. (音乐开始播放,每个人都开始跳舞。)

14. She smiled and said hello, but he didn't respond. (她微笑着说了声“你好”,但他没有回应。)

15. The dog barked loudly, and the birds flew away. (狗吠声很大,鸟儿飞走了。)

16. He looked up at the sky and saw a shooting star. (他抬头看着天空,看到一颗流星。)

17. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm down. (她闭上眼睛深呼吸,让自己冷静下来。)

18. The phone rang, and he answered it right away. (电话响了,他立刻接了。)

19. The car stopped suddenly, and we all jolted forward. (车子突然停下来,我们都向前颠簸了一下。)

20. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, it was a beautiful day. (阳光明媚,鸟儿在唱歌,这是一个美好的日子。)

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