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关于老虎的英语句子 20个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-13 03:58:26
  • 195

关于老虎的英语句子 20个

1. The tiger is one of the most majestic animals in the world.(老虎是世界上最雄伟的动物之一。)

2. Tigers are apex predators, meaning they are at the top of the food chain.(老虎是顶级掠食者,这意味着它们处于食物链的顶部。)

3. The stripes on a tiger's coat help it to blend in with its surroundings.(老虎身上的条纹帮助它与周围环境融合。)

4. Tigers are known for their strength and agility.(老虎以其力量和敏捷闻名。)

5. Male tigers are larger and heavier than their female counterparts.(公虎比母虎更大更重。)

6. Tigers are solitary animals, except during mating season.(老虎是独居动物,除了季节。)

7. The roar of a tiger can be heard up to 2 miles away.(老虎的咆哮声可以听到2英里之外。)

8. Tigers have a lifespan of around 10-15 years in the wild.(老虎在野外的寿命约为10-15年。)

9. Tigers are endangered due to habitat loss and poaching.(由于栖息地的丧失和偷猎,老虎处于濒危状态。)

10. Bengal tigers are the most common species of tiger.(孟加拉虎是老虎中最常见的物种。)

11. A group of tigers is called a streak, ambush, or hide.(一群老虎被称为一串、伏击或藏身。)

12. Tigers have retractable claws that they use for hunting and climbing.(老虎有可伸缩的爪子,用于狩猎和攀爬。)

13. Tigers are excellent swimmers and enjoy being in water.(老虎是出色的游泳者,喜欢待在水里。)

14. A tiger's prey includes deer, wild pigs, and buffalo.(老虎的猎物包括鹿、野猪和水牛。)

15. Tigers can weigh up to 600 pounds.(老虎的体重可以达到600磅。)

16. White tigers are a rare genetic mutation, not a separate subspecies.(白色老虎是一种罕见的基因突变,而不是单独的亚种。)

17. Tigers have excellent eyesight and can see in low light conditions.(老虎有出色的视力,可以在低光条件下看到东西。)

18. The average speed of a tiger is around 35 mph.(老虎的平均速度约为35英里/小时。)

19. Tigers mark their territory by scent marking and scratching trees.(老虎通过气味标记和抓树来标记自己的领地。)

20. Tigers are symbols of strength and power in many cultures.(老虎在很多文化中都是力量和权力的象征。)

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