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英语句子必须有主语吗 17个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-18 08:16:55
  • 111

英语句子必须有主语吗 17个

1. I am going to the store.(我要去商店。)

2. The cat is sleeping on the couch.(猫在沙发上睡觉。)

3. We are going on vacation next week.(我们下周要去度假。)

4. The sun is shining brightly.(太阳照得很亮。)

5. They are playing soccer in the park.(他们在公园里踢足球。)

6. She is cooking dinner for us tonight.(她今晚为我们做晚餐。)

7. The car is parked in the garage.(车停在车库里。)

8. He is reading a book in the library.(他在图书馆里读书。)

9. The flowers are blooming in the garden.(花儿在花园里开放。)

10. We are watching a movie at the cinema.(我们在电影院看电影。)

11. The dog is barking at the mailman.(狗在对着邮递员叫。)

12. They are studying for their exams.(他们正在为考试而学习。)

13. The birds are singing in the trees.(鸟在树上唱歌。)

14. She is practicing her piano skills.(她正在练习她的钢琴技巧。)

15. The children are playing in the playground.(孩子们在操场上玩耍。)

16. He is phoning his friend to make plans.(他正在给他的朋友打电话制定计划。)

17. The teacher is explaining the lesson to the students.(老师正在向学生们解释课程。)

18. We are enjoying the beautiful scenery on our hike.(我们在徒步旅行中欣赏美丽的风景。)

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