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形容英语的句子 16个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-28 07:31:55
  • 146

形容英语的句子 16个

1. English is a widely spoken language around the world.(英语是世界上广泛使用的语言。)

2. The grammar of English can be quite complex.(英语的语法可以相当复杂。)

3. English is the official language of many countries.(英语是许多国家的官方语言。)

4. Learning English can help you in your career.(学习英语可以帮助你在职业上更有优势。)

5. English has many dialects and accents.(英语有很多方言和口音。)

6. Many scientific and academic papers are written in English.(许多科学和学术论文都用英文写作。)

7. English is widely used in international business and politics.(英语在国际商务和中被广泛使用。)

8. English is a mandatory subject in most schools around the world.(英语是世界上大多数学校必修的科目。)

9. English has a rich vocabulary with many borrowed words.(英语词汇丰富,有很多借用的词汇。)

10. English is the language of popular culture, including music and movies.(英语是流行文化,包括音乐和电影的语言。)

11. English has its origins in the Germanic languages.(英语起源于日耳曼语系。)

12. English has influenced many other languages around the world.(英语对世界上许多其他语言产生了影响。)

13. Learning English can open up new opportunities for travel and cultural exchange.(学习英语可以为旅行和文化交流打开新的机会。)

14. English is a language that continues to evolve with new words and expressions being added all the time.(英语是一种不断发展的语言,新的词汇和表达方式一直在增加。)

15. English has a reputation for being a difficult language to learn, but it can also be very rewarding.(英语有难学的名声,但它也可以非常有回报。)

16. Many people choose to study English as a second language due to its global importance.(由于其全球重要性,许多人选择学习英语作为第二语言。)

17. English is a language that is constantly changing and adapting to new cultural influences.(英语是一种不断变化和适应新文化影响的语言。)

18. English has a strong presence in the world of technology and social media.(英语在技术和社交媒体领域拥有强大的存在感。)

19. English can be spoken with different accents, which can sometimes make it difficult to understand.(英语可以用不同的口音发音,这有时会使理解变得困难。)

20. English is a language that can unite people from different countries and cultures.(英语是一种可以将来自不同国家和文化的人们团结在一起的语言。)

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