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英语8大句子成分 20个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-09 06:38:55
  • 167

英语8大句子成分 20个

1. She is reading a book. 她正在读一本书。

2. The cat is sleeping on the sofa. 猫正在沙发上睡觉。

3. He plays basketball every day after school. 放学后他每天打篮球。

4. I like to eat pizza with pineapple toppings. 我喜欢吃菠萝披萨。

5. They went to the beach for a swim. 他们去海滩游泳。

6. The teacher is explaining a difficult math problem. 老师正在讲解一个难题。

7. My mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. 我妈妈正在厨房做晚餐。

8. The train is arriving at the station right now. 火车正在此时到达车站。

9. The boy with the red hat is my brother. 帽子的男孩是我的兄弟。

10. She went to the store to buy some milk. 她去商店买牛奶了。

11. We are planning a trip to Europe next month. 我们下个月计划去欧洲旅行。

12. It is raining outside, so be sure to bring your umbrella. 外面正在下雨,记得带上你的雨伞。

13. They are building a new park in the neighborhood. 他们正在社区建设一个新公园。

14. My sister is studying for her final exams. 我妹妹正在备战期末考试。

15. I usually drive to work, but sometimes I take the bus. 我一般去上班,但有时候会坐公交车。

16. The flowers in the garden are blooming beautifully. 花园里的花儿开得很美。

17. He is listening to his favorite music on the radio. 他正在收听自己喜欢的电台音乐。

18. The students are discussing the book they just read. 学生们正在讨论他们刚读过的书。

19. The airplane is taking off from the runway. 飞机正在从跑道起飞。

20. I can't believe it's already Friday, this week went by so fast. 我简直不敢相信今天已经是星期五了,这个星期过得太快了。

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