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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-16 17:58:50
  • 104


关于”令人惊艳的句子“的英语句子25个,句子主体:Amazing sentences。以下是关于令人惊艳的句子的初二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Amazing sentences

1、"to my surprise"短语,“我惊呆了”; Surprising“令人惊喜的",Surprised"感到惊喜的""I'm surprised for your pretty look";

2、It's on top of Mt. Hiei-zan and offers hiking opportunities and stunning views of all of Kyoto. 延历寺座落在比叡山山顶,人们能在里面健行,可以看到全京都令人惊艳的美景。

3、, Your chinese is really surprising.(你的中文令人惊讶。

4、啊! 多么令人惊奇呀! Oh, what a surprise!

5、   your chinese is really surprising。(你的中文令人惊讶)

6、This was definitely a surprise, " Diffenbaugh said." 这的确令人吃惊。

7、What he found was surprising. 他的发现令人惊讶。

8、It sparkles in a breath-taking gradation of crystal shades, from deep indigo to turquoise, and adds instant glamour to any outfit. 作品闪现令人惊艳,从深靛蓝色到翠蓝色的渐变水晶色调,可为任何装扮瞬间注入非凡魅力。

9、His method of dealing with the situation was disturbing enough, but the structure of his debt was equally shocking. 他处理债务的方法够令人震惊的,但其债务的构成同样令人震惊。

10、When it incorporates the beauty of flowers, you can imagine what type of amazing and breathtaking results it can produce. 当它与美丽的花朵结合在一起时,你可以想象得到会产生何种令人惊艳而慑人心魄的效果。

11、Other than the obvious change to lower Manhattan, it's the same gaudy, maddening, wonderful, self-infatuated, multi-everything place it was before. 除了在曼阿顿下东区发生的明显变化外,纽约和以往一样,仍是一个华丽惊艳,令人着迷,包罗万象的地方。

12、But you don’t have to be a size six to look stunning in a bathing suit. 但你不必非要纤细苗条,才能在穿上泳衣之后令人惊艳。

13、The most recent and stunning restoration is the Queen's Music Room. Golden and glowing, it begs the imagination of the visitor to sense a monarch's presence. 近期令人震惊的便是女王音乐室的修复。它色调金色,鲜艳,令游者无限遐想,仿佛感知皇权的再现。

14、They are covered in clear crystal pavé and reflect the light in magical ways. 密镶透明水晶,反射着另人惊艳的光芒。

15、"We think we are going to be in a period for the next couple of years of decent but not tremendous economic growth," Rieder said. 我们认为,未来几年的经济增长将不错,但不会令人惊艳.

16、Surprising“令人惊喜的",Surprised"感到惊喜的""I'm surprised for your pretty look";

17、 Your Chinese is really surprising. 你的中文令人惊讶。

18、These results are stunning. 这些结果令人吃惊。

19、And these phones will be leapfrogged in 12-18 months with something even more amazing. 在12-18个月内这些手机就会发生突飞猛进的改进,带来更令人惊艳的功能。

20、His gin is also an audacious animal, odd and thrilling. 他的杜松子酒也是一个大胆的产物,奇怪且令人惊颤。

21、, your chinese is really surprising。(你的中文令人惊讶。

22、It was a wonderful brace, sealed with two incredible left-footed strikes, the second a real picture post card. 漂亮的梅开二度,两次都是令人瞠目的左脚射门,而第二粒进球可以谓之惊艳。

23、And the results were surprising. 结果是令人惊讶的。

24、, your chinese is really surprising.(你的中文令人惊讶。

25、In her prime, Elizabeth Taylor wasn't just considered the most stunning starlet in Hollywood, but the most beautiful woman in the world. 在她最辉煌的时侯,伊丽莎白·泰勒不仅被认为是好莱坞最令人惊艳的明星,还被看做世界上最美丽的女人。


26、The C minor French Suite is wonderfully alive, and both the E minor Partita and the Itallian Concerto are full of spirit and freshness. 第二号法国组曲令人惊艳地生动,第六号帕蒂塔和意大利协奏曲也是充满精神与鲜活感。

27、, your chinese is really surprising.(你的中文令人惊讶。

28、The amazing Sprite generator allows you to send a zip file containing your images. 令人惊艳的Sprite generator让你可以发送一个含有图像的zip压缩文件。

29、 Your Chinese is really surprising.(你的中文令人惊讶。

30、His father claimed the water here was the most amazing color he'd ever seen—a vivid blue-green he'd dubbed Hokkaido green. 他父亲声称这里的水是他见过的最令人惊异的颜色——一种他称之为北海道绿的鲜艳的蓝绿色。

31、And they were all nestled snugly beneath the breathtakingly flounced skirt of Big Red. 它们都安稳地陈列在那件令人惊艳的大红色荷叶边裙的。

32、It was love at first sip. "It has an astounding delicacy and complexity, " said Mancio. 曼西欧说,第一口就爱上了,「清酒有令人 惊 艳的美味和多样口感。」

33、Oh, what a surprise! 啊! 多么令人惊奇呀!

34、Other than the obvious change to lower Manhattan, it’s the same gaudy, maddening, wonderful, self-infatuated, multi-everything place it was before. 除了在曼阿顿下东区发生的明显变化外,纽约和以往一样,仍是一个华丽惊艳,令人着迷,包罗万象的地方。

35、Brightman's incredible voice coupled with the larger-than-life stage production of Harem will deliver a unique evening. 布莱曼令人惊艳的嗓音,再加上「 一千零二夜」气势磅礡的舞台设计,将会让你有个非常特别的夜晚。

36、It was absolutely astonishing. 这绝对令人吃惊。

37、)18. your chinese is really surprising.(你的中文令人惊讶。

38、But all was forgiven with one sublime bicycle kick to help United defeat Manchester City in February. 但一切都在二月对阵曼城时得到了原谅,在那场比赛中,鲁尼表演了令人惊艳的倒钩射门,帮助曼联击败了同城对手。

39、This is amazing. 这很令人惊奇。

40、This amazing flower truly has the shape of a bird and this detail is what makes it special. 这种令人惊艳的花形状很像天堂鸟,正是这一点让它很特别。

41、And the results were shocking. 其结果令人震惊。

42、Stunning Stainless Nickel Countertops. 令人惊叹的镍不锈钢台面。

43、A moon scape of lava rock contrasted against the brilliant blue of the Pacific Ocean. 如月球概况般的火山石和艳蓝的承平洋组成强烈对比。一个由拍岸惊涛注满的海池。令人难以置信。

44、Many outsiders are put off by its complicated laws, unintelligible terms (any idea what a googly or a grubber is?), and mind-boggling statistics . 不少外人因为他繁杂的规定,难懂的短语和令人惊艳不解的数字而感到扫兴。

45、This is the most amazing thing. 这真的很令人惊奇

46、Amazingly, this is also about the pigeonhole principle! 令人惊奇的是,这同样是鸽子洞原理的运用!

47、Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian is a terrible book. 科马克•锡的《血色子午线》是一本令人震惊的书。

48、The lighting and particle effects are very impressive. All this comes at a cost to your computer's hardware. 游戏画面惊艳,纹理质量很高,光线和粒子效果令人印象深刻,只要你电脑的配置够高。

49、, Your Chinese is really surprising.(你的中文令人惊讶。

50、 Your Chinese is really surprising。(你的中文令人惊讶。


51、Surprises then will be of the unpleasant variety. 令人惊讶的将是其中令人不快的“ 小异”。

52、Rainbow fish are small but breathtaking in colour varying from a single vivid colour to a spectrum. 彩虹鱼很小但颜色却是令人惊异,从一种单一的鲜艳颜色到光谱上所有的颜色什么样的鱼都有。

53、Powerful, modern and geometric. This stunning bangle lends a hint of rock to any outfit. 这款令人惊艳的手镯,集澎湃力量、摩登格调与几何风格于一身。

54、I have seen Yoyo's style of calligraphy and it is quick and expressive in its formation and execution. 我看过祐中的书法,他的字体笔顺不仅快而且令人惊艳。

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