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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-22 13:09:49
  • 138




1、The warmth of a family lies in mutual respect and love; the value of a family lies in mutual help and understanding. 家庭的温暖在于互敬,家庭的可贵在于互助互谅。

2、The teacher lectured those pupils rather mildly for not finishing their homework. 老师温和地责备学生没有完成家庭作业。

3、Grandpa's birthday was such a shor family reunion. 爷爷的生日是这么短的家庭相聚。

4、HANGZHOU CHEERLAND HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES CO. , LTD. is manufacturer of electrical power supplier accessories. 杭州馨兰家居用品公司专业制造水族花园供电配件。

5、Life becomes warmer and more gentle because of women. And the world becomes brighter and more colourful because of women. 生活因为有了女性而馨香温情,世界因为有了女性而绚丽多彩。

6、When love is not madness, it is not love.如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。

7、Stained glass is beautiful and makes a warm addition to almost any home. 彩色玻璃是非常漂亮的,几乎可以为每个家庭增添温暖。

8、Spices commonly used for cooking belong to this family, as well as floral notes such as carnation . Both give character, warmth and body to fragrances. 这个家族的辛香通常用于厨艺,也用于如康乃馨的花香调。给香水带来有个性、温暖和质感。

9、Who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one.在爱人眼里,一千里的旅程不过一里。

10、There is no remedy for love but to love more.治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。

11、Passionate love is a quenchless thirst.热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。

12、I love each person in my family. I love my sweet warm home. 我喜欢我的每一个家庭成员,我喜欢这个温暖的家。

13、Katya family of traditional hot spring machine is not only a hot spring water, and the innovation in the change improve. 卡蒂亚家庭温泉机不仅是对传统温泉的革新,而且在水质的改变上有所增进。

14、“The Windsors are a deeply weird bunch,” says Jennie Bond, the veteran BBC court correspondent. “温莎一家是一个怪异的家族,” BBC法庭记者、现已退役的杰尼·邦德说到。

15、The soul cannot live without love.灵魂不能没有爱而存在。

16、Don't get into any of them, as Citadines is a mere 3 mins walk away! 不要上任何车,因为走路三分钟就到了馨乐庭城中服务公寓!

17、Currently two customized family-friendly packages are on offer. 酒店目前提供两款客户定制的配套服务:儿童配套服务及家庭短期假日服务。

18、Warm citrus notes combine with hints of peppermint, alyssum and frangipani to create a wonderfully exhilarant scent. 温暖的柑橘融合了薄荷、香雪球和素馨创造出来的无限奇妙的芬芳。

19、The notice board did ellicott Sean, no display owe stickle manners and not repent, ailey, high shan destroy others complain family happiness. 世馨通知艾莉尚恩比来显示欠好,没有礼貌而且强词夺理,艾莉不知悔改,抱怨高珊珊毁坏他人家庭幸福。

20、The notice product such as I did before someone shouted. were toppled the taste as sweet scented, it must have been deduced that the understanding of the organizing. 世馨通知品如本人被推倒前有人喊了世馨,品如推断这个人一定是认识世馨的人。

21、Amid ancient mountains gentled by time, farm families work the same tilted acres their ancestors did. 远古时代群山温和,农场的家庭努力耕作。

22、Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak.爱比大衣更能驱走寒冷。

23、Both her parents are in big family. That's why she has gotten so many red envelopes. 由于父母的两个家族都是大家庭,所以馨羽就能拿到很多红包。

24、Hopethematch is personality geniality, generous, like kids, is also good-hearted to the family withtheresponsibility. 希望伴侣性格温和,大方,喜欢孩子,对家庭也有爱心和责任心。

25、A friend is a gift you give yourself. 朋友是你给自己最好的礼物。


26、Millions of homes are stillequipped with manual thermostats. 数百万家庭仍在使用手动恒温器。

27、It may sound cheesy, but think of your workforce as a family. 这句话听上去低俗,可是你要把你的团队想象成一个大家庭。

28、But now happy family is getting quite rare, families like icehouse , battle and sauna are getting more and more. 但是近代社会这种温泉式的家庭越来越成为稀有品种了,冰窖式、战场式、桑纳式的家庭反而直线上升。

29、In a very short time I became like one of the family. 在很短的时间里,我就成为了他们家庭中的一员。

30、Iike a man who is love family with fine moral that is honesty, geniality . 我喜欢品德好的、爱家庭是诚实的、温和的人。

31、Katya family spa machine than sprayer, the demand bath crock, water heater much stronger. 卡蒂亚家庭温泉机的需求比喷头、浴缸、热水器等要强烈得多。

32、A good house-wife does not spend his time in spinning street yarns. 一位贤良的家庭主妇不会浪费时间说短论长,搬弄是非。

33、I am wrapped in the warmth and kindness in a poor but cosy family. 虽然出身贫困,但是其乐融融,使我沐浴着家庭的温暖和亲切。

34、The third was that the landlords exploited peasants by taking advantage of grain shortage. 三是乡村中的地主家庭,趁粮食短缺之机,残酷地压榨农民。

35、Access to exclusive private courtyard area with pool, hot tub and sundeck. 私家庭院面积的游泳池,温泉浴缸和日光浴。

36、Katya hot spring machine appear, solved the problem of Chinese residents wash hot springs, declared the arrival of the era of family spa. 卡蒂亚温泉机的出现,解决了中国居民洗温泉的难题,宣告着家庭温泉时代的到来。

37、Be in for the life domestic environment is chill, lack the adolescent of softhearted breeding means; 一为生活在家庭环境冷漠,缺少温情教养方式的青少年;

38、To make the long story short, the lawyer representing the patient's family was trying to schedule a deposition before deciding whether to go to court or settle out of court. 长话短说,原告的律师想在决定上法庭或庭外和解前,让大家先宣誓作证。

39、Another benefit of thermal activity are the abundant hot pools (many families have their own in their backyard). 对当地人而言,地热资源的另一大益处,是它提供了丰富的温泉池资源(很多家庭后院都有自家私人温泉池)。

40、Xinlu; architecture; art; 馨庐; 建筑; 艺术;

41、But many men need a warmhearted and good-tempered carnation to be his wife. 然而很多男人必须的只是是一个如康乃馨般温情宽容的妻子。

42、Love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases.爱情就像月亮,不增则减。

43、But , any men need a warmhearted and good-tempered carnation to be his wife. 而很多男人需要的只是一朵如康乃馨般温情宽容的妻子。

44、Is this Qingxin's residence? 这是清馨的家吗?

45、She smiled, as she tasted its rich aroma. 尝到她温润馨香的味道她笑了。

46、The darkness is no darkness with thee.有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。

47、Access to exclusive private courtyard area with pool, hot tub and sundeck . 特别享用的私家庭院面积的游泳池,温泉浴缸和日光浴。

48、We are grateful for our partner – CFFC that their Board of Directors agreed to let OnTrack office in their Vancouver address. Special thanks to God. 感谢夥伴机构「加拿大家庭更新协会」的董事们在短期内允许本院在其温哥华会址设立办事处,特别为此献上感恩。

49、Simple Casserole Food brings warmth to your family, especially in chilly days! 《简易煲仔菜》,在寒冷的日子,令你的家庭倍添温暖!

50、Take away love, and our earth is a tomb.没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。


51、Most applications relate to lighting, home security, home theater and entertainment and thermostat regulation. 大多数的应用都与照明、家居安全、家庭影院、娱乐和温度调节有关系。

52、Her cousin in is a summer Xin Xin. 她口中的表妹就是夏馨馨。

53、“The fact they have only one child means a shorter career break, ” he says. “每个家庭只能有一个孩子意味着更短的产假,”他说。

54、Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate. 朋友来了又走,敌人则是可以慢慢积累的。

55、Gu Kexin at home every day to drink it. 顾可馨便每天在家借酒浇愁。

56、One person at home, maternal love is a bitter cup of moist Ming, dissolved the remote network back to a melancholy , floating on the nose is a home fragrance. 一人在家时,母爱是一杯温润的苦茗,溶解的是远方带回的愁绪,飘荡于鼻翼是家的馨香。

57、Automatic lighting and temperature control are commonplace in homes and offices. 在家庭、在办公室,自动光线和温度控制已经极为常见了。

58、But many men need a warmhearted and good- tempered carnation to be his wife. 而很多男人需要的只是一个如康乃馨般温情宽容的妻子。

59、The story of the warm to pack mail, but not to end it sweet. 本想把那些温暖的故事打包寄走,可是却到底不舍得这馨香的余温。

60、When families are physically close, it emits a warmth and visually shows what families should be like…close. 当家庭成员身体上靠近的时候,就散发出一种温暖的感觉,从视觉上就让我们感到家庭成员就应该是这样贴近的。

61、The warmth and safety of your home, for there are those who are homeless. 学会享受家庭的温暖与安全,因为还有人无家可归;

62、We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。

63、Foster - we also need caring people to look after us temporarily - it is a short-term commitment in return for unconditional love. See foster page. 暂养︰我们需要一些有爱心的家庭,可以暂时照顾我们– 短暂的承诺换以无条的爱。请阅暂养家庭。

64、Family hotel, Holiday Inn, Interim home, Serviced apartment. 家庭旅馆,日租房,短期租房,酒店式公寓。

65、I'm self sufficient, gentle, warm-loving, family man. 我自给自足,温柔,有爱、重视家庭的人。

66、The blue sky has the beautiful fantasy, I that warm family has fragrance, will not forget your that vision lovingly, will accompany me to go all over the horizon, aha. 蓝蓝的天有着美丽的幻想,我那温暖的家有一份馨香,不会遗忘你那含情的目光,陪我走遍天涯,啊哈。

67、Appliances on standby mode contribute 5 percent of a home's total greenhouse gas emissions. 待机状态的家用电器所排放的温室气体,占一个家庭总排放量的5%。

68、A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway. 朋友就是再怎么了解我们都一样热爱我们的人。

69、A comedy that features warm-hearted, family-oriented content. 内容温暖亲切、面向家庭的喜剧。

70、You may have to adjust to a lower standard of living or put family assets at risk in the short-term. 这时,你就要将家庭生活标准调整到最低,或将家庭资产进行短期风险投资。

71、I spent whole days thinking intensely about you… I ached when away.我整天整天地想念着你…

72、May the aroma of books seep into our lives, and thereby changes cruelty and violence into peace and gentleness. 让书香化为生命的馨香,让暴戾凶残化为祥和温柔。

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