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  • 2022-07-16 15:47:39
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关于”很甜的句子“的英语句子48个,句子主体:A sweet sentence。以下是关于很甜的句子的八级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:A sweet sentence

1、Honey is sweet, but the bee stings. www. 18fu. net 蜜糖是甜的,但蜜蜂会螫人。

2、Everything about her was sweet, pale, like honey . 她浑身上下都是甜蜜蜜,软绵绵的,象蜂蜜那样。

3、Love is a sweet cup. 爱情是甜蜜的苦酒。

4、Serve the burgers on whole-wheat buns spread with the sweet honey mus sauce. 还有,在汉堡的全麦皮表面涂上甜甜的蜂蜜芥末酱。

5、An unmarred, sweet moment shared. 分享珍贵甜蜜的瞬间。

6、Nothing but money, is sweeter than honey. 只有钱, 比蜜甜。

7、And sweet to remember. 回想起甜蜜无比。

8、Parting is such sweet sorrow. 离别是甜蜜的凄楚。

9、Hyeong-min % wants sweet love. 亨珉希望甜蜜的爱情。

10、Honey is sweet, but the bee stings. www. 68mn. net 蜜糖是甜的,但蜜蜂会螫人。

11、Dream the sweetness coming on. 梦见那些甜蜜来到。

12、My one-sentence take on the campaign was a line from a gospel song I’d heard in Anthony Mangun’s church: The darker the night, the sweeter the victory. 我对这次竞选的感受只有一句话,那是我在安东尼.曼根教堂听到的福音歌曲中的一句歌词:“夜晚越黑暗,胜利就越甜蜜。”

13、We fell in love immediately and although my knee was extremely painful, my heart was happy nevertheless. 我们很快的就坠入了爱河,虽然我的伤口很痛,但我的心却是甜蜜蜜的。

14、I wish you a happy happy wedding, sweet, a harmonious union lasting a hundred years! 祝你们永结同心,百年好合!新婚愉快,甜甜蜜蜜!

15、Flowing with sweetness or honey. 蜜甜蜂有剌。

16、Illumina Unwooded Chardonnay has green apple aromas, with melon and peach on the palate. 青苹果香气的霞多丽,带桃子与蜜瓜的青甜。

17、Sweet joy befall thee! 愿甜蜜的快乐降临你身上!

18、Fine words er no parsnips. 甜言蜜语没有用。

19、The mother's breath is aye sweet. 母亲的气息,永远甜蜜。

20、Watermelon is the best food for these days, and other cold, taste-like-honey desert. 西瓜是最好的食品,还有别的甜得像蜜糖的甜品。

21、But what cared I for delays or difficulties, Valentine, as long as you confessed that you loved me, and took pity on me?If you will only repeat that avowal now and then, I can endure anything . 我感谢你那句甜蜜的话,我只要求你能时时重复一下那句话,因为它可以使我忘掉其他的一切。

22、Leon sweet coax her. 李昂甜蜜哄她。

23、You are all the brave heroes after going through hunted house, trick or treat? Take some candies, comfort your little scary hearts! 勇敢闯过去“鬼屋”的孩子都是勇士,恶作剧还是招待呢?吃点糖果甜甜蜜蜜,安慰一下恐惧的小心灵吧!

24、10They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb. 都比金子可羡慕,且比极多的精金可羡慕。比蜜甘甜,且比蜂房下滴的蜜甘甜。

25、BC:Nice try, sugar, but I already saw you sweet-talk the new kids. Your trickery won't work twice. 干得好,甜心,可我早见过你是怎么对新来那小子甜言蜜语的了。你的诡计不会再起作用了。


26、Fair-sounding song, wish you of the life be very sweet! 动听的歌曲,祝您的生活甜蜜蜜!

27、I bite away at this zongzi until I reach the middle and am met with an entirely new palate of flavors, this time sweet and savory. 我享受着粽子的美味,突然发现了中间和刚才完全不同的味道,蜜枣粽甜甜的很可口。

28、Yesterday, she picked a tub of grass and laid to my room, it felt young couple were living, how sweet it is. 昨天她还去选了一盆草,要我放在屋子里,还有点小两口过日子的感觉,很爱这份甜蜜。

29、If it is the spacial distance , missing is treacly , entering into dreams with smile in your face. 如果是空间的距离,思念便是甜蜜的,甜蜜的带着微笑入梦。

30、Also have honeysweet love. 也有爱情甜如蜜。

31、Cheng Xi and Tang Zheng sweet took pictures, and to the two original rented house. 程曦和唐正甜蜜的照了相,又到两个原来租住的房子。

32、Honey is sweet, but the bee stings. 68mn. com蜜糖是甜的,但蜜蜂会螫人。

33、I go over endlessly in my thought our kisses, your tears, your delicious jealousy. 我脑子里不停地回想着咱们的吻、你的泪、以及那甜蜜的醋意。

34、Persimmon is small and red , and the taste is sweet . 柿子很小且呈红色,味道则是甜的。

35、The Easter bunny's gifts of chocolate may taste sweet, but they leave your attitude sour. 也许复活节兔子形状的巧克力礼物尝起来很甜蜜,但留给你的却是酸溜溜的态度。

36、And i hope could spend commonness and treacly life with you . 并与你一起度过平凡又甜蜜的日子。

37、JEFF: Actually, I'm very sweet. Like this cake. 杰夫: 事实上我是很甜蜜的。就像这块蛋糕。

38、"Sweet Marguerite Daisy, " said he, "you are the wisest wife among all the flowers; “甜蜜的玛格丽特雏菊,”他说,“你是在所有的花最明智的妻子。

39、Tarzan and Jane were swinging on a vine. (Candyman, candyman) Sipping from a bottle of vodka double wine. (Sweet, sugar, candyman. 泰山和简在藤蔓上悠荡。(甜心宝贝,甜心宝贝)嘴里喝著一瓶双份伏特加。(甜甜蜜糖甜心宝贝)

40、From the pitcher-like flower she sips the nectar, which is sweet and thick as honey. 花蜜从壶嘴般的花瓣上溢出,她轻轻地饮了一小口这种 甜甜的如同粘稠的蜂蜜般的 花蜜。

41、Our life is sweeter than honey. 我们的生活比蜜甜。

42、She instantly added, changing her sweet and ambiguous tone into a categorical and clear one, completely destroying my wishful thinking. 她随即补充一句,语调由甜蜜暧昧变得斩钉截铁明白无误,并彻底摧毁我的一厢情愿。

43、Sweet summer sweat. 甜蜜夏日,香汗伶俐。

44、Sweet fancies flitted through his mind. 甜蜜的幻想掠过他的脑际。

45、The aroma displays aniseed, licorice, plums and mulberry with underlying sweet vanilla. 香 气 呈 现 出在甜 蜜香草味道基 础 上的茴香、甘草,李子和桑 葚 的香 气。

46、Mandy rolled her shoulders, sank into that honeyed post-class ache. 曼迪蜷着肩膀曼迪蜷着身子,陷入甜蜜的课后疼痛。

47、Two people happy life together, a carefree life leisurely envy others. 两人幸福甜蜜生活在一起,日子过得悠然自得羡煞旁人。

48、Sweet, little, sensible child! 甜,小,懂事的孩子!

49、They could taste the sweetness of life with relish, and they could put the sweetness aside and command life. 它可以欢畅地品味入生的甜蜜,也可以抛开甜蜜去指挥生活。

50、Cajoling English and caressing French. 甜胤蜜的英语和亲切的法语。


51、Love is a sweet torment… 爱綪諟一种甜蜜的痛苦…

52、Many people think that love is a sweet honey sweet Lovers, to each other, two people together is to zero distance. 很多人都觉得恋爱就是甜甜蜜蜜的你侬我侬、 相濡以沫,两个人在一起就是要零距离。

53、Lavenders sweet , tho it wither ! 薰衣草的甜蜜,永不会凋去!

54、Take some into mouth, you'll feel sweet full of your mouth and you'll feel very happy, ha-ha. 轻轻地舀一口,送入口中,哇,顿时感觉满口都是甜甜蜜蜜的,呵呵。

55、She has a voice of gold and sings beautifully. 她有一副金嗓子,唱歌很甜美。

56、It has a mild peppermint taste with a sweet honey after taste! 有点轻微的薄荷味,带有甜甜的蜂蜜味。

57、ShangGuanRui is gold floor of singing woman, looked like very enchanting, beg Ceng Nianan honeyed words very glad. 上官蕊是金楼的唱歌的女子,长像很妖娆,甜言蜜语很讨曾念安欢喜。

58、Ying Zi: "Honey Life in the Alleyway of Beijing", Youth Information, 2009,11,6. 颖子:《私藏北京小街巷里的甜蜜小日子》,《青年时讯•双城》2009年11月6日。

59、To see my sugar-sweet. 去看我的小甜蜜。

60、Not only for honeyed words. 不只是甜言蜜语。

61、A flattering speech is honeyed poison. 讨好的话是甜蜜的毒药。

62、Forgiveness is the sweetest revenge. - Isaac Friedmann? 原谅是最甜蜜的报复。

63、The relationship between petty people is as sweet as honey. 所谓“君子之交淡如水,小人之交甜如蜜”;

64、She was so sweet, so soft-looking in her thin white dress. 她穿着那身轻薄的衣衫,显得很甜蜜,很柔软。

65、Honey is sweet, but the bee stings. 18fu. net蜜糖是甜的,但蜜蜂会螫人。

66、We are the sweet, cold water and the jar that pours. 我们是甜蜜,清凉的水,也是泼水的罐子。

67、Sweet blue hyacinth twisted over my soul. 甜蜜的蓝风信子在我心灵盘绕。

68、There are 15 kinds of sweet agents in food processing authorized in National Standard GB2760-96 Sanitary Standards of Using Food Additives. 国标GB2760-96《 食品添加剂使用卫生标准》规定可用于食品加工的甜味剂包括甜蜜素、 安赛蜜、 甜味素、 异麦芽酮糖醇、 木糖醇、阿力甜等15种。

69、We all live in honey. 我们的生活比蜜甜。

70、Sweetie, Sweetie, your smile is as sweet as honey Like the flower blooming in the spring breeze Bloo… 甜蜜蜜你笑得甜蜜蜜好像花儿开在春风里开在春风里在哪里在哪里见过你你的笑容这样熟悉我一时想不…

71、21)he is very happy and sweet. 他又高兴又甜蜜。

72、You weave the cloth, I plant the land, the future is sweet as honey! 你织布,我耕地,今后的日子甜如蜜!

73、Spears' and Federline's newborn is their second child together. 这是“小甜甜”和丈夫费德林的第二个孩子。

74、Examples include cantaloupe, honeydew, and casaba. 种类如哈蜜瓜、蜜瓜和冬甜瓜。

75、Those small oranges are sweet. 那些小橘子很甜。

英文句子模板76:A sweet sentence

76、Sweet pictures - brilliant to see the son in his dorm room at college - this is a great he's working family. 甜蜜的照片--看到儿子在大学宿舍里很棒呢--这个家一点点有起色挺好的。

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