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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-14 07:01:29
  • 159


关于”划分句子成分的软件“的英语句子54个,句子主体:Software for dividing sentence components。以下是关于划分句子成分的软件的托福英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Software for dividing sentence components

1、Re-planning the layout of public transport lines, the Beijing Urban Construction is an important component of the hardware and software breakthroughs to improve a key link. 重新规划公交网线布局,是北京城市建设的一个重要组成部分,而且是由硬件完善到软件突破的一个关键环节。

2、The software distribution job sends the software to targeted devices. 该软件分发作业将软件发送给目标设备。

3、The centrifugal pump impeller and the draft tube are meshed by CFD pre-processing software GAMBIT; 利用CFD前处理软件GAMBIT对叶轮和导流筒进行了非结构网格划分;

4、Crimson was part of the com.sun.xml package. Crimson 是 com.sun.xml 软件包的一部分。

5、Under certain conditions, the operator of anomaly separation is simply an upward continuation operator. 在一定条件下,异常划分算子就是向上延拓算子。

6、In view of the characteristic of high-level design, the HW/SW partitioning method using 0-1 algorithm based on CDM model is presented. 针对数字系统高层设计的特点,本文提出了基于CDM模型的0-1规划软硬件划分方法。

7、Then, as the different of software client, software programs are designed for MCU A-side and MCU B-side respectively. 第三,以软件装载端为划分点,分别设计了单片机A端和单片机B端的相关软件程序。

8、Some day trading brokerages provide charting software as part of their trading software, but often they do not offer the variety of features that third party charting software offers. 一部分经纪商提供的绘图软件是交易软件的一部分,但是他们不提供第三方软件所提供的多种多样的功能。

9、The software part of the cymometer was designed in assembler language. 对于频率计的软件部分,是用汇编语言设计而成的。

10、The software excites tech folk, some of whom reckon it poses a threat to Microsoft’s SharePoint collaboration package. 这款软件让技术迷感到兴奋,部分人认它将对微软SharePoint打包软件构成威胁。

11、He minced his plan into two. 他把他的计划细分成两部分。

12、Absrtact: Controlling risk is a very important part in software- intensive project management, But there are some insufficiencies among the methods of risk evaluation at present. 摘 要: 控制软件项目的风险是软件项目管理的重要组成部分。

13、Soft-sectoring refers to the fact that the division of the disk or track into sectors is performed by software. 软分段是指用软件来把磁盘或磁道划分成磁段的情况。

14、In the software section, display the A-scan and B-scan window, then discuss the accomplishment of digital filter software. 软件部分展示了A扫描和B扫描图像界面,并叙述了软件滤波部分的实现过程。

15、This section discusses the tools needed for software installation and overall package management. 本部分讨论软件安装和总体软件包管理所需要的工具。

16、Moreover, the difficulty in HW/SW co-design is the communication overheads and partition between hardware and software. 其中,软硬件协同设计中的难点就是软硬件之间的通信开销和软硬件划分。

17、The software project manager creates and manages the software feasibility plan. 软件项目经理建立并管理软件的可行性计划。

18、Secondly introducing standard modeling language UML, utilizing UML carry the software on modeling, and divide it each functional block. 在建模的基础上对软件进行了设计,并对其各个功能块进行划分。

19、Chapter 3 provides a brief but useful account of the software industry's fifty-year history, divided it into several phases 第三章简略介绍了软件业五十年的历史,并将其划分为以下几个阶段

20、In PCMA designed according to hypothesized instrument throught design is composed of hardware and software part. 按照虚拟仪器思想设计的PCMA由硬件和软件两大部分组成。

21、The reuse of software is a primary problem of object-oriented programming, and to share programming compositions is the first step to realize software reuse. 软件复用是面向对象编程的主要问题,而共享程序成分是走向软件复用的第一步。

22、The Stable and effective MMI is important base of the software of Power System Voltage Stability. 开发稳定、高效的人机系统是电压稳定性软件的重要组成部分,也是基础的部分。

23、The sculpting portions of the video are done twice, once in Mudbox 2009 and again in Zbrush 3.1. 教程的雕刻部分分两次完成,一次是在Mudbox 2009软件中,另一次是在Zbrush 3.1软件中。

24、TGF-β can promote chondrocytes to synthesize extracellular matrix, inhibit hypertrophic differentiation and mineralization of chondrocytes. 分子可以促进软骨细胞细胞外基质合成,抑制软骨细胞的肥大分化和矿化。

25、The program can isolate the unique characteristics of each thrush species into algorithms much like voice recognition software. After processing, individual calls become more ounced. 该软件可以分割成算法,如语音识别软件大部分每个物种的独特性鹅口疮。处理后,个别通话更加明显。


26、The stock portion of the software code! 股票软件的部分代码!

27、Teamwork in the implementation of software. 软件实作的分工合作。

28、Part library is an important part of CAD software. 零件库是CAD软件的重要组成部分。

29、The most complex and expensive business accounting software is frequently part of an extensive suite of software often known as Enterpr ise resource planning or ERP software. 最复杂,昂贵的商业财务软件常常是一套庞大的软件的一部分,人们经常认做是企业资源计划或企业资源计划(ERP)软件。

30、It gives out the architecture of component-based virtual test software using ACE/TAO, and some of the design of distributed virtual test software-oriented components. 提出了基于ACE/TAO用组件搭建分布虚拟试验系统软件。给出了系统的体系结构,提供了部分面向分布虚拟试验软件的服务组件的设计方案。

31、Licenses and software distribution components need to be installed for the software distribution capability to work in the Tivoli configuration manager suite. 许可证和软件分布组件为了软件分布能力需要进行安装,以工作在Tivoli 配置管理器套件中。

32、On the basis of the software reliability, in order to improve the efficiency of detecting fault during software testing, constructs the optimal allocation model of the test-case in partition testing. 在有限资源的情况下,基于软件的可靠性,为提高软件测试的缺陷检测效率,针对划分测试,给出一定可靠性约束下的测试用例的最优分配模型;

33、These memories will help you share the experience with your children as they experience the joy of creating something with cool hardware and software, and you can be a part of their memories. 这些记忆都将帮助您同孩子们一起分享使用有趣的硬件和软件体验创造的乐趣,更重要的是,您也将成为孩子们这些记忆的一部分。

34、Part of intron removed MTALB software, pick out the part of the exon. 说明:利用MTALB软件进行基因内含子部分的剔除,挑选出基因外显子部分。

35、According to structured programming, the software of the lower machine is composed by the main program, the subroutine and interrupt service routine. 按照结构化编程思想,将下位机软件划分为主程序、子程序和中断程序三部分分别进行设计。

36、Bittorrent has already become a major part of most connected software. Bittorrent已经成为具备网络连接的软件的主要部分。

37、The ECC protocol was regarded as software part and implemented on CPU, and VHDL code was generated for hardware part. 将加密协议的其他部分作为软件部分,在传统CPU上执行,并将硬件部分生成VHDL代码。

38、The task data flow graph(DFG) was partitioned into several sub-modules under hardware resource constraint. 在可重构硬件资源约束条件下,将任务的数据流图划分成数个子模块。

39、Microsoft has said it made the change as part of a broader cost-cutting plan. 微软则表示,这项政策改变是削减成本计划的一部分。

40、According to placers forming condition, 7 placers forming future areas have been divided. Quartz placers distribute… 根据成矿条件,可划分为7个成矿远景区。

41、Next, we will fabricate an asymmetric Bragg coupler device through photolithography process and soft lithography on a thick film photoresister. 接著利用高分子光栅元件配合黄光微影之厚膜光阻制程与软式微影技术,制作高分子布拉格光栅波导元件。

42、Once segmented, with appropriate software it is possible to change the segmentation so that the translation memory document can be used in other situations with other software. 一旦分割完成,用适当的软件就可以改变分割,使翻译记忆库文件在其他情况下可用于其它软件。

43、Resco News reader provides all information in various tabs. 本软件把所有信息分成多种类型。

44、And the concept of finite state machine and message-driving mechanism also provides guidance to the research of other call processing software in the telecommunication switching network. 其基于模块划分以及状态机和消息驱动的思想对于电信交换系统中呼叫处理部分软件分析和设计具有普遍意义。

45、他把他的计划细分成两部分。He minced his plan into two.

46、A part of the RUP compile_software_development_plan task is to build an implementation plan for the whole project. RUP 软件开发计划的一部分是构建整个项目的实施计划。

47、Serviceability in IBM NAS is divided into sub-components and levels. IBM NAS 中的可服务性按子组件和级别划分。

48、Kelty offers five key components of the free software world Kelty提供了自由软件世界的5个关键组成部分

49、Software Protection is a needed work for protecting software engineers' benefits as well as an important component of software engineering. 软件保护工作是维护软件开发人员利益的必要手段,是软件开发过程的重要组成部分。

50、A file name component is the portion of a file name between backslashes. 文件名组成部分即下划线之间的文件名。


51、Microsoft today announced that it will give away software and services to qualifying software startups as part of its newly announced BizSpark initiative. 微软于今天宣布,作为BizSpark计划的第一期的组成部分,他们将向符合要求的创业公司赠送软件和服务。

52、The identification authentication mainly completes is two levels of managers' identification authentications , the division different user uses this software the right; 身份验证主要完成的是二级管理员的身份验证,划分不同用户使用该软件的权利;

53、The chapter is divided into two parts. 本章被划分成两部分。

54、After the test of hardware and software, Router completes primarily partial ruction. 通过硬件软件测试后,基本完成了系统所要求的部分功能。

55、A method of software defect measurement is pre- sented by using orthogonal defect classification(ODC). 探讨了软件缺陷的分类技术,给出了利用正交分类法进行软件缺陷度量的一般方法。

56、After the hardware-software partition, the description in C language of hardware should be translated into the description in VHDL language. 语言的系统描述经过软硬件划分之后,要求将硬件实现部分转换为适合于综合的VHDL语言。

57、The platter is divided into pie slices, thus dividing the tracks into 512-byte sectors. 盘片被划分成扇形,从而字节扇区划分的轨道成512。

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