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  • 2022-06-10 05:57:34
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关于”端午节的诗句古诗“的英语句子38个,句子主体:Ancient poems of the Dragon Boat Festival。以下是关于端午节的诗句古诗的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Ancient poems of the Dragon Boat Festival

1、Ancient Chinese believed the day of Duanwu was unlucky because midsummer was just around the corner. 古代中国人相信端午这一天是不吉利的,因为仲夏即将到来。

2、"Do you have a favorite Bible verse?" she asked. 她问我:“你有没有一节最喜欢的圣诗。

3、This part was divided into two sections. Section one, to give an overview of the"Shiwei"from the Han to the Song Dynasty, and to clarify the formation of"Shiwei". 分为两小节,第一节概述了《诗纬》在从汉到宋的散佚流变,在一定程度上阐明了《诗纬》文本成书现状。

4、I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken. —Psalm 37:25 金句: 「我从前年幼,现在年老,却未见过义人被弃。」(诗篇37篇25节)

5、Therefore, the used the midday length of the to measure the solar terms and the length of a year. 于是,古人就以正午时的表影长度来确定节气和一年的长度。

6、To have a better understanding of the reasons for it, of the poetry played in novels, and of the problems caused by the introduction of poems into novels, will help us a great deal to furt… 探讨形成原因,了解诗歌在小说中的作用,明确诗入小说的弊端,对我们深入研究古代小说的民族形成和民族特色会有直接帮助。

7、The Israelites vow that they'll obey Exodus 24:3, also 7b. 在《出埃及记》第24章第3节诗7b中。

8、In the Panarion, his epic treatise against heresy, Epiphanius gives us many details about the Ebionite lifestyle. 在他反对异端的史诗著作《帕那里昂》中,埃皮法尼乌斯给了我们许多伊便尼派生活的细节。

9、At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet---Plato, Greek philosopher. 爱的触摸下,谁都是诗人---柏拉图,古希腊哲学家。

10、Fennessy focus on the highly decorative classical sound development and production. 梵尼诗专注于极具装饰性的古典音响开发和生产。

11、It is not just the Babbitts who think there's something odd about people who read poetry. 不仅是市侩之流认为读诗的人有点古怪。

12、The topic of "Future Festival" was inspired from French poet Mallarmé who said that the role of the artist is to prepare for future projects. “未来的节日”这个主题取自法国诗人马拉美的“艺术家的任务是为未来的节目作准备”这一句。

13、To learn ancient prose is to accept the influence and teaching of traditional culture. 学习古诗文就是在接受传统文化的熏陶与教化。

14、The main body is divided into four chapters, three of which deal with creativeness in the English translation of classical Chinese poetry in the three major aspects in translation. 正文部分分为四章,前三章从翻译的三个主要环节论述创造性在汉语古诗英译中的体现。

15、The princess had paid a visit to the Gucci store in Milan with Prince Ranier. 诗琳通公主曾访问了米兰的古琦店王子。

16、Psalm 119 seems to be modelled after the psalm of David, 19:7-11, wherein he uses five different synonyms for the Law. 诗篇第一一九篇似乎是模仿大卫的诗篇,因为他在诗篇十九篇七至十一节中使用了五种不同的律法同义字。

17、Mother every day I only at noon and provisions of the evening to see, other time let me write winter vacation work, back classical Chinese poetry, write a diary and play the Chinese zither. 妈妈规定我每天只有中午、晚上才能看,别的时间让我写寒假作业、背古诗、写袦日记和弹古筝。

18、It engages the ancient art of pastoral poetry initiated and made famous by the great Greek poet Theocritus, which was later imitated by Moscus and then finally by the Roman poet Virgil in his celebrated pastoral eclogues. 它沿用了古老的田园诗艺术,田园文学是由希腊伟大诗人忒奥克里托斯创始并发扬开来的,后来为摩斯科斯所模仿,最终,罗马诗人维吉尔的著名田园诗也是模仿的此诗体。

19、Yesterday, the midnight after the completion of writing long poem "Mongolia: Lyric poem of Pursuit" with 2048 verses, I suddenly felt a kind of infinite vast and dignified silence. 昨天,在写完2048 行长诗《蒙古:追寻辞》的午夜,我突然感受到一种无限辽远而崇高的静默。

20、The elevation of the spirit of the Chinese characters and wisdom depends on integration of Chinese syllables and rhythms into the experience of modem poetry. 诗的汉语音节或节奏,只有融入现代诗性体验之中,方能使汉字精神和汉语智慧得以高扬。

21、As a special kind of the Chinese classical poetical criticism, Jutu was very popular in the time of the Tang-Song dynasties. 句图是中国古典诗评的一种特殊门类,在唐宋时期颇为流行。

22、A small imperishable poem is enough if you want to leave a good name to posterity. 倘想流芳千古,一首不朽的小诗足矣。

23、ON THE THIRD DAY after Christmas Nikolay dined at home, which he had rarely done of late. 圣诞节后的第三天,尼古拉在家中用午餐,这是他迩来少有的事儿。

24、The examination of the essence of Wang Anshi's poetry and proses from the perspective of creative thinking attempts to uncover the secrets of the popularity of his works. 从创新思维的角度探讨王安石诗文的精髓,以揭示王安石诗文千古不衰的秘密。

25、Yeats is describing his interaction with and his distance from Pe and the others in that first stanza, and then in the second. 叶芝在描述他对此的感受,他和皮尔斯那些人离得很远,他在第一节诗里谈到这个,在第二节诗中。


26、It is rich in musical melody and rhythm. 史诗的演唱充满了丰富的音乐性和节奏感。

27、What is dignity without honesty?---Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman poet&orator. 没有诚实何谈尊严?---M.T。西塞罗,古罗马诗人和演说家。

28、Since ancient times, the local coastal residents along the river during the Dragon Boat Festival, will host the activities of the dragon-boat race, to pray for safety. 自古以来,当地沿海沿河居民每逢端午,都会举办赛龙舟的活动,祈福求安。

29、青涩的季节又已离我远去莲的心事 诗/,就是, Who knows the mind of a lotus flower。

30、In this one night and solitude, but would like to take the experience of the ancients, by the ancients of the poem, by the ancients true for faint heartssadness, a depression-keung said. 在这无人而又寂寥的夜,只不过是想借古人的经历,借古人的诗句,借古人真情,为排遣心中淡淡的忧伤,强说一次愁。

31、It is also one of the longest poems in the English language, the origin of Spenserian stanza, and the old cliché ‘roses are red, violets are blue’ is found in its earliest form in this poem. 这也是英语语言史上最长的诗,斯宾塞体的发端,那句老套话“玫瑰是红色的,紫罗兰是绿色的”可以在这首诗里找到最早的句式。你怎能不拿起它呢?

32、In the meantime, artistic and imaged philosophy conception of the poem is also the precious resources that can edify student's thoughts and moral character. 同时,古诗中诗情画意的意境以及形象化的哲理,也是熏陶小学生思想品德的宝贵资源。

33、Yeats is describing his interaction with and his distance from Pe and the others in that first stanza, and then in the second. 叶芝在描述他对此的感受,他和皮尔斯那些人离得很远,他在第一节诗里谈到这个,在第二节诗中。

34、Dai Liang, an adherent of the Yuan Dynasty, praised Tao's loyalty and righteousness highly and wrote a volume, Poems in Reply to the Tao's. 元遗民诗人戴良推崇陶渊明的忠义气节,作有《和陶诗》一卷。

35、She was known in antiquity as a great poet: Plato called her "the tenth Muse" and her likeness appeared on coins. 人们只知道她是上古时代的一位伟大的诗人:柏拉图曾誉之为“第十位缪斯”,诗人的肖像曾上过硬币。

36、This book features Spyler and CeCe, characters from the I Spy TV show. 本书的主角是斯布莱勒和诗诗,他们是视觉大发现电视秀节目中的角色人物。

37、In Psalm 116:14 the Psalmist said he would pay his vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people. 在诗篇一一六篇14节,诗人声言要在众民面前向神还他的愿。

38、Each word in the poem like brand Abas left traces in history, his feet firmly set foot on the pace of the rhythm is my definition of a poem. 诗里的字字珠玑会像烙印在历史留下痕迹,双脚踏上坚定步伐是我对诗句节奏的定义。

39、The psalmist desired to obey God's Word "continually, forever and ever" (119:44). 诗篇119篇的作者渴慕常守上帝的话语,「直到永永远远」(诗篇119篇44节);

40、He shall judge the peoples righteously" (Ps. 96:10)." 祂要按公正审判众民」(诗篇96篇10节)。

41、I have four lessons in the morning and three lessons in the afternoon. 我星期一到星期五上学,上午四节课,下午三节课。

42、In Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. —Psalm 16:11 金句: 「在你面前有满足的喜乐,在你右手中有永远的福乐。」(诗篇16篇11节)

43、Six-character poem syllables are comparatively monotonous , stiff, leisurely. 六言诗的音节比较单调、板滞、舒缓。

44、At last, the Northern Song official travel ci-poem is not only the turning point of the Official Travel Literature, but also expanded the description content of it. 最后,北宋宦游词不仅与盛唐宦游诗一样是中国古代宦游文学最重要的组成部分,而且更是中国古代宦游文学主体精神转折的开端。

45、Section two studied the strengthen of remonstrating in"Book of Songs"from the view of three poems of "Guan Ju". 第二节从三家诗对《关雎》的阐释管窥《诗经》“讽谏”作用的强化;

46、The regular sentence pattern of Da Ya, that is, a paragon of the style of Book of Songs, actually reflected the rhythm of court music under the restriction of Zhou double-tone bells. “诗体”的典范——《大雅》诗组规整的句式,其实是周代“双音钟”制约下的雅乐节奏的折射。

47、"Black Steed" brings us enormous beautiful poetic experience from poetic language, romantic images and text rhythm. 《黑骏马》从诗意语言上、浪漫形象上、文本节奏等方面给我们带来了极大的诗美体验。

48、The study proceeds in three aspects: never believing old ideas blindly, never constraining by sectarian bias and never limiting by his own ideas. 从戴震治《诗》的三种著述及其治《诗》的单篇文章两个方面,从不盲目信古、不设立门户、不囿于己见三个角度来对其治《诗》思想进行研究。

49、It is Thursday today and we have seven cl, four in the morning and three in the afternoon. 今天星期四,我们有七节课,上午四节,下午三节。

50、The songwriters of Israel knew how important it is to see our foolishness apart from God (Ps. 73:22; 以色列的诗人深知,离弃上帝是非常愚蠢的事(诗篇73篇22节;


51、I am especially interested in extreme forms of poetry, odd and eccentric forms, constructed procedures and procedural constructions. 我特别感兴趣的是诗歌的极端表达形式、希奇古怪的形式、建构过程以及过程的建构。

52、The Dragon Boat Festival, A Chinese holiday is gaining worldwide popularity, It is also called Double Fifth Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar. 端午节,中国的传统节日现在正在赢得全世界的欢迎,它也叫做”双五节“,是在中国农历的五月初五进行庆祝。

53、Then the fourth poet rose and lifted up the bowl, and he said, "Alas, friends!" 这时第四位诗人站起,端起酒碗,说:“噢,朋友们!

54、Part III is divided into the next series:Nanshe and the Modern Poets poetry pattern, consists of three chapters. 第三部分为下编:南社诗人群体与近代诗坛格局,包括三个章节。

55、Section II of Sibelius's symphonic poem writing experience; 第二节介绍了西贝柳斯交响诗的创作经历;

56、Using the theoretical discussion on the epic in the Poetics, based on necessary law of plot and character, Iliad can be interpreted from"Homerg epics". 我们可以以《诗学》中有关史诗的理论话语,着眼于其情节和性格的必然律,来读解“荷马史诗”中的《伊利亚特》;

57、《A Quatrain》 is a famous composition by Du Fu wrote(Two golden orioles sing amid the willows green), which be read with admiration by people all over the world. 杜甫著名的《绝句》(两个黄鹂鸣翠柳)是传诵千古的诗篇。

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