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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-05 13:29:21
  • 91


关于”简单句的五种基本句型“的英语句子53个,句子主体:Five kinds of simple sentences。以下是关于简单句的五种基本句型的小升初英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Five kinds of simple sentences

1、According to localities of the units that few specimen records located, and their similarities to other units, we were able to predict the possible distribution of species. 然后根据少数几个标本采集点所在的基本单元,利用这些基本单元与其他单元的物种组成相似程度,可以出物种的可能分布范围。

2、The zymographs of the same species or taxa which come from different areas were related to the geographic distribution of M. ruthenica, and it corresponded with the sectors in the grassland division. 同一种或种下分类单位,由于材料来源不同,所表现的基本酶谱型与地理分布有关,基本上与草地区划中的地段相吻合。

3、Concise and xiu fang suddenly the door, please ChengKang with one hundred and fifty thousand price, refurbished one small tang floor unit furniture. 简洁与秀芳突然上门,请承康以十五万之价,翻新一小型唐楼单位连家具。

4、In other words, we are a chaos of desires. 换句话说,人有各种欲望。

5、A proven practice for handling the identification of logon data type is to use nested IF statements which will check for Trusted Credentials, Credentials, Forms and finally for SSO. 对于识别登录数据类型,一种已经证明有效的做法是使用嵌套的 IF 语句检查可信凭证、凭证和表单,最后检查 SSO。

6、In view of this, the thesis designs a low cost, portable, easy to learn and extend FPGA studying board. 论文正是基于以上考虑,设计了一种成本低、简单易学、便于携带和扩展的FPGA实验板。

7、The basic mechanism of titanium dioxide photocatalytic water-splitting for hydrogen production is introduced. 简单介绍了二氧化钛光催化分解水制氢的基本原理。

8、This article briefly introduces the basic principles of gravitational lens and NFW mass distribution model. 简要介绍了引力透镜,NFW质量分布模型的基本原理。

9、Satellite offices in Shanghai and Beijing focus on fundamental, macro, and policy research. 在上海和北京的人造宇宙站办公室把重心集中在基本的,句集, 和政策研究。

10、A basic unit of currency in Iceland. 冰岛克朗冰岛的一种基本货币单位

11、This text introduced the basic concept and modeling process of a semantic object model, and compared it with E-R model. 简要介绍了语义对象模型的几个基本概念,并与E-R模型作比较。

12、The principle, application and developing tendency to of these biosensors are introduced briefly. 文章还简单介绍这类传感器基本原理、应用及发展趋向。

13、Simple, low cost projects can be built and maintained by village-based methods. 可用基于村庄的方法来建造且维护一些简单且低成本的工程。

14、It also mentions the WEB technique, introducing the characteristic of JPS and the basic rules of the language. JSP- the technique of connecting the database is mentioned as well. 文中还介绍了WEB开发技术,简单介绍了JSP技术的特点和基本语法规范,简单介绍了JSP连接数据库技术。

15、The ocean reverberation theory and the ray-normal mode reverberation model are discussed. 讨论了海洋混响的基本理论和混响的射线-简正波模型。

16、The utility model has the advantages of compact structure, precise dibbling and accurate hole distance and is applicable to the device with high seeding speed. 本实用新型结构简单紧凑、穴播精量、穴距精确, 适用于较高速度播种的装置。

17、Like Amy's death, she could have added. 像艾米之死,她本可以加上一句。

18、CZM is used as a benchmark to check the precision and applicability of beam-bending method, such as SBT (Simple Beam Theory), CBT (Corrected Beam Theory) and ECM (Experimental Compliance Method). 本文采用内聚力模型作标准来判别各种基于梁弯曲理论的方法,这些方法包括简单梁理论、修正梁理论和实验柔度法。

19、Kites fill the sky during an international kite festival in Cartagena, Saay, Aug. 15. The kite festival ended yesterday. (Reuters) 八月十五日周六,喀他基那的国际风筝节,各式风筝翱翔于天际。此风筝节于昨日划下句点。(路透社照片)

20、There lie differences between the Chinese and Korean history books on the name of the Five Bus of GaoGouli. 朝史书对高句丽五部的名称记载虽不同,但却可以发现两种史料间的对应关系。

21、Simple Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL — ounced "sparkle") is the language typically used to query against that data, as it syntactically matches the structure of RDF itself. 简单协议和 RDF 查询语言(Simple Protocol and RDF Query Language,SPARQL — 发音为 “sparkle”)是通常用于针对该数据进行查询的语言,因为它在语句构成上匹配 RDF 本身的结构。

22、Simple concept"and " duologue"are theoretical elements that express basic explanation relation on science explain substance. “简单概念”和“对话”是表达科学对实在的基本解释关系的理论要素,构成科学的一种进化机制。

23、Inbred 2 can be used as an parent of big fruit. 亲本2是选配大果型杂交组合的单交种亲本;

24、According to the components, the power socket can be divided into two basic modes, namely single light and double lights. 根据组成可分单灯(电流)、双灯(电流、电压)两种最基本形式的指示型电源插座。

25、In other words, a command provider can contain its own base commands and extend other commands. 换句话说,命令提供程序可以包含自已的基本命令,并扩展其他命令。


26、These seemingly insignificant particles of interstellar dust are, in other words, fundamental building blocks of the universe. 这些看上去不起眼儿的星际尘埃微粒,换句话说,是构建宇宙的基本砖块儿。

27、Rectangular closed diaphragm wall foundation is a new type of bridge foundation. 矩形闭合地下连续墙基础(简称闭合墙基础)是一种新型的桥梁基础。

28、Then this article briefly reviewed the "learn-by-doing" model, AK model, endogenous technological change model and human capital model. 然后对新增长理论模型中的“干中学”模型、AK模型、罗默的技术内生模型和卢卡斯的人力资本模型进行了简单回顾。

29、This research altogether is divided into five parts:The first part briefly introduced the basic theory of constructivism, mainly focusing on its two schools---learning concept and teaching concept. 本研究共分五部分:第一部分简介了建构主义的基本理论,主要介绍建构主义的两种流派,建构主义的学习观和教学观。

30、Exploration testing the new model is fairly straightforward. 对新模型的探察测试简单明了。

31、Authors reviewed the related researches and found that team Five-factor model of personality characteristics were positively related to team efficiency and contextual performance within teams. 本文在简单回顾个体水平的研究结果的基础上,着重介绍团队大五人格特征与团队绩效以及关系绩效之间关系的研究;

32、Take complicated problem oversimplifies and abstract problem pictorialize as base, Take software project manages process visualization and controllabled as basic goal. 本文以复杂问题简单化、抽象问题形象化为基本原则,以软件项目管理过程可视、可控化为基本目标。

33、Simple algorithms and design formulae for circulator wave digital filters are given. 本文介绍环行器型波数字滤波器的简单算法和设计公式。

34、Both views are, of course, absurd oversimplifications of the man and his legacy. 当然,这两种看法都是对他本人及其遗产的荒谬简单化。

35、The Genius mouse is abbreviated as the mouse, is one of the basic peripheral hardware of the microcomputer. 鼠标器简称鼠标,是微型计算机的基本外设之一。

36、He said that the basic components of a protein are amino acids, which are linked together by peptide bonds to form the primary structure of a protein. 太多了吧,帮你头几句吧。他介绍说,蛋白质的基本组成单元为氨基酸,它们之间通过肽键进行连接,组成蛋白质的一级结构。

37、The fifth part points out some inappropriate or misused Chinese characters and misquotations. 第五大部分提出这本书的词句不妥之处,及许多错字,以及引用诗文的错误。

38、In this thesis, three printed ANTENNAs were studied for digital broadcast reception. The first one is a meandered loop antenna. Being in a meandered form, it can be made very compact. 本论文提出一种可使用于笔记型电脑的微型化廻圈天线,利用简单且低成本的印刷于电路板制作来完成天线设计。

39、Simple warm-up in quality after the basic training, first leg flexibility exercises began. 在简单热身后开始基本素质的训练,先从压腿开始。

40、In this short exercise, you've seen some basic techniques for scripting images containing lines and text using ImageMagick. 通过本文的简单实践,您看到了使用 ImageMagick 通过脚本编写包含线条和文本的图像的一些基本技巧。

41、You can use the wiki syntax and keybindings or the editor to style and manage your notes/lists. 你可以使用维基句法、快捷键或者编辑器来管理和个性化你的笔记和清单。

42、Becoming acquainted with the fundamentals of web credibility testing is easier than learning the multiplication tables. 熟悉网络信息可信度测试的基本原理,比学习乘法表还简单。

43、A recent Canadian study found bioengineered genes present in many bacteria and organisms living in fields planted with genetically engineered corn. 简单最近的一项研究发现,种植转基因玉米农田中的许多细菌和生物存在着转基因的基因。

44、Survey of basic electromagnetic phenomena: electrostatics, magnetostatics, electromagnetic properties of matter. 简单介绍电磁学的基本现象:包含静电学、静磁学、物质的电磁特性。

45、In chapter 1, the applications of weak magnetic field detection and the basic principle of four sensitive magnetometers are briefly introduced. 在第一章中,简单介绍了微弱磁场探测的应用和四种高灵敏度仪的基本原理。

46、So that's how using some of these basic ratios gives us this primordial type of music and it's quite spectacular. 这就是如何用基本的音符来为我们创造,简单的音乐,但是这种音乐真的很雄奇壮丽

47、Just to complicate matters, the code itself is, of course, a form of stored data. (节外生枝插一句,代码本身无疑也是存储数据的一种形式)。

48、BTW , Pls. fax your banks slip to me asap. 顺便说一句请尽快传银行水单给我。

49、Mr. Haythe's original screenplay was a faithful and at times literal adaptation, using great chunks of Yates's own language. Mr. 贾斯汀海耶斯的原始剧本忠于原著,引用大量叶慈小说的原句,有时简直是逐字改编。

50、Before the circuit design , simply introduce the basic theory about the FET upconverter and the harmonic balance. 在进行电路分析之前,简单介绍了一些FET 上变频器的基本理论和基本的关于谐波平衡法的理论。


51、After the first two statements in Listing 28, the two copies of the database differ. 在 清单 28 中的前两个语句之后,这两个数据库副本就产生了差异。

52、Note: This scenario has been kept barebones in order to focus on the power of the mashup model and the simplicity of the process. 注意:本场景经过了简化,以突出 mashup 模型的威力和过程的简单性。

53、This native-wrapper functionality is the easiest part of the whole JMC project. 这种本地包装功能是整个JMC项目里最简单的部分。

54、Addition and subtraction word problems refer to a type of mathematical word problems that can be solved by applying addition and subtraction. 加减文字题指应用加减法运算解答的简单数学应用题。基本类型有合并题、变化题和比较题。

55、In chapter four he export nonlinear vibration problem of the double-deck reticulated shallow shell structures. 第四章中简单给出了双层网格扁壳的非线性振动基本方程。

56、Silk Texts of the "Five Elements" chapter in the "after" after the text, since the beginning in Chapter 6, sentence by sentence has explained until the end. 帛书本《五行》篇于《经》文之后,自第6章开始,逐句都有解说,直至结束。

57、We will give a brief overview of each of these programming models in this article. 在本文中,我们将对每个编程模型进行简单的概览。

58、An adaptive multiple model algorithm based on residual is presented, its basic idea is to assign the probability of each model in overall estimation through the size of residual. 提出了一种基于残差的自适应多模型算法,其基本思想是通过残差的大小来分配多模型中单个模型在整体估计中的权重。

59、Ikebana is a deep subject, but it is easy to pick up the basics. 插花艺术很深奥,但是掌握一些基本知识还是比较简单的。

60、3-D method, a new method to simplify Boolean logic formula, has been designed, on thought basis Karnaugh. 文章在卡诺图化简法的思想基础上设计了一种新型的逻辑函数化简方法——“立体化简法”。

61、The Kindle has rudimentary web access and a basic music player but it's essentially a single-use device. Kindle有基本的网络访问功能,也有一个简单的音乐播放器,但它本质上是一个单功能的设备。

62、In this part, you will be given a variety of reading materials: single sentence, paragraphs, advertits, and the like. 在这部分,将给你各种阅读材料,如单句,段、落,广告等。

63、Fluids can be divided into 3 types, namely, supergene infiltration fluid, authigenic fluid and deep extraneous fluid, and their basic features are described. 将盆地流体类型分为表生渗入流体、自生流体和深部外来流体3种,并简述了这3种流体的基本特征。

64、Therefore, it is an easy and effective method to construct multiwavelets by scalar wavelets. 因此,从单小波基出发来构造多小波是一种简便而有效的方法。

65、It is a basic research method to use simplicity to serve complexity. 执简御繁是一种基本的研究方法;

66、And then it goes to Genesis 2 chapter two, verse 4; Left side of the colon is chapter; right side of the colon is verse, ; And every sentence has a verse number in the Bible; approximately sentence. 接着就是《创世纪》第二章第四节;,冒号左边指的是章,右边是节,《圣经》中的每一句都有一个节数;,基本上是每一句。

67、You can use your keyboard instead of a mouse, to move the mouse pointer. 鼠标器简称鼠标,是微型计算机的基本外设之一。

68、The utility model can prevent coats from being blown down by wind, and have the advantages of simplicity and practicality. 本实用新型可防止衣物被风吹落,简单实用。

69、Some tasks can be performed faster and more simply with more basic tool sets. 某些任务通过更基本的工具集来执行会更快且更简单。

70、Therefore, the present study investigated the effect of sentence translation exercises on the improvement of the students L2 writing ability. 本研究考察了单句翻译练习法对高中生提高外语写作的影响。

71、An easier way to do this is with the Replace WP-Version plugin. 一种更加简单的方法可以实现这一点 替换WP-版本插件。

72、In the teaching of Confucianism during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, the curriculum was mainly based on The The Four Books and The Five Classics. 主要基于…的基础上,方便的拿整句我帮你翻 在春秋战国时期,传授儒学课程中的这部分知识,主要都是基于四书五经的内容。

73、This diagnostic method, characterized by succinctness and clear consecution, has a favorable prospect of being put into application. 这种基于故障树模型的电梯故障诊断方法具有简单、直观、条理清楚的特点,具有良好的应用前景。

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