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  • 2022-06-17 07:28:33
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关于”温柔的短句“的英语句子58个,句子主体:A gentle short sentence。以下是关于温柔的短句的高一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:A gentle short sentence

1、He embraced his daughter tenderly. 他温柔地拥抱女儿。

2、The tender women are ugly. 温柔的女人不美。

3、Uses the ultra supple shortplush; 采用超柔短毛绒;

4、I discovered that I had never been so gentle, perhaps only this gentle tone to better the lyric. 我发现自己从未如此的温柔过,也许只有这种温柔的语气才能更好的抒情吧。

5、She has an unamiable disposition. 她的性情不温柔。

6、With extra soft short plush for material, fabrics is soft and comfortable, hand feeling is admirable. 以超柔短毛绒为材料,面料柔软舒适, 手感极佳。

7、Sensitive, extra-gentle on sensitive teeth. 敏感,牙齿敏感的额外的温柔。

8、Voice like a gentle mother. 春姑娘像一个温柔的妈妈。

9、And a demure telephone girl? Or even a demure stenographer? Demureness, to be sure, is outwardly becoming, it is an outward mark of femininity, like bobbed hair. ——如果接线女孩是温驯娴静的,或甚至速记员是温驯娴静的,那会有什么好处呢?温柔谦卑当然在外表上很吸引人,它是女性气质的外部特征,就如同女人剪的短发一样。

10、Blandness is women's special weapon . 温柔是女人特有的武器。

11、Friendly and agreeable in disposition; good-natured and likable. 温柔的性情友好亲切的;

12、Leaf blade thinly leathery; fruit with co scence. 叶片薄革质;果具粗糙的短柔毛。

13、Jane is of such a gentle nature. 简的性格十分温柔。

14、Samara scent; leaf blade abaxially sply scent, adaxially hirsute or with convex trichome scars, base attenuated to rounded, apex shortly caudate. 翅果具短柔毛叶片背面疏生短柔毛,正面具粗毛或凸的具毛状体痕,基部渐狭到圆形,先端短尾状。

15、I fear thy kisses, gentle maiden; 温柔的少女,我惴惧你的亲吻;

16、because i miss you every moment 因为你的温柔体贴

17、Flowering stems and petioles spreading villous and scent. 花茎和叶柄开展长柔毛和短柔毛。

18、For your gentle face stained with dirt. 呈给你泥黑的温柔的脸颜。

19、With your sweet and gently way 能比你更加温柔和体贴,

20、He leant over and gently kissed her. 他俯下身温柔的吻了她。

21、Wang Jun, Soft is the Temperature, installation, 2005 王俊,柔软的温度,装置,2005。

22、She consoled him with soft words . 她用温柔的话语来安慰他。

23、Ralph . W. Sockman said Nothing is so strong as gentleness, and nothing is so gentle as real strength. 没有什么比温柔更坚强,而也没有什么比真正的坚强更温柔。

24、Friendly and agreeable in disposition; 温柔的性情友好亲切的;

25、There was a moment's pause as brown eyes connected with blue. Then, very softly; “不……”两人的视线交汇了短暂的一瞬,真嗣用非常温柔的声音继续说着。


26、In tender embassy of love to thee. 带着爱的温柔使命去汝国。

27、Demureness, to be sure, is outwardly becoming, it is an outward mark of femininity , like bobbed hair. 温柔谦卑当然在外表上很吸引人,它是女性气质的外部特征,就如同女人剪的短发一样。

28、Who pinches you softly but sure. 那个温柔的拧你一下的人。

29、Ill run 2 tenderly hold U. 我将会向你奔去,温柔的抱你。

30、The agreeable and soft voice, mighty face in Europe, Moncler Outlet, there namely likewise his eyes, quite full is all quite thick gentleness. 温柔的嗓音,欧烈的脸,还有他的眼,满满的都是浓浓的温柔。

31、Mothers are gentle with their babies. 母亲对婴儿总是温柔体贴的。

32、Lambency mirror can bring you gentle and romantic artistic conception, make you immersed in a gentle on the subject. 柔光镜可以为你带来柔和而浪漫的意境,让你沉浸在温柔的主题中。

33、The genial warmth of the sun around the door appeared somewhat human. 门周围温暖柔和的阳光仿佛人一样温情脉脉。

34、And seeing that it was a soft October night. 温柔的十月夜赫然在目。

35、In this sedate garrison town ringed by jagged peaks, the gentle thrum of the day is usually reduced to a whisper by night. 在这个群峰环绕、安详的卫戍小镇上,白天温柔的声响总是变成夜间温柔的窃窃私语。

36、I like your lips, warm and soft. 我喜欢你的唇,温润柔软。

37、My dieing point is gentle. 我的死穴就是温柔。

38、Tender Poison:Romantic mild poison, with gentle bird to breath, people can not resist your charm. 柔情毒药:浪漫温和的毒药,散发温柔婉约小鸟依人般的气息,让人没有办法抗拒您的魅诱。

39、Girl, your sweetness is my weakness, yeah, yeah 姑娘,你的温柔,我的殇

40、You're a sweet guy, Kev. 你是个温柔的男人,凯。

41、And thy relenting heart would kindly warm. 你温柔的心肠就会春光一派。

42、Gentle knife , not hurt , but the bloodshed ! 温柔的一刀,不疼,却在流血!

43、But I immediately remind ourselves, not because the desire for brief mild, and bear the long loneliness. 可是我立刻告诫自己,不能因为贪恋短暂的温柔,而承受长久的寂寞。

44、Soft soft affection and continuous missing is women's hopes and romantic feelings with women's tolerance and gentle. 柔柔的亲情和绵绵的思念是女人的寄托,浪漫情感带着女人的宽容和温柔。

45、The gentleness is kind, is my internality; 温柔善良,是我的内在;

46、And gentleness to oneself is queen. 温柔对己则是皇后。

47、Warm breath, light whisper, tender semi-tone. 热烈的呼吸,温柔的低音,耳语。

48、"The Palace of Love, " he said softly. “爱之宫,”他温柔的说。

49、Hare Krsna, " he said softly." “哈瑞奎师那。”他温柔地说道。

50、I perfer having your accompanying for lifelong time to the short-time tenderness. 我要的,不只是短暂的温柔,而是你一生的守候。


51、"你好,"他温柔地说道。" "Hello," he said softly.

52、Or softly lightens o'er her face; 在她的脸上温柔地闪光;

53、He’s very thoughtful and unselfish. 他体贴温柔,大公无私。

54、Drupe globose, ca. 4 mm in diam. , mixed scent and glandular-scent, red at maturity. 核果球状,直径约4毫米,混合有短柔毛和腺状短柔毛,成熟时红色。

55、"My poor Aylmer, " she said gently. “ 我可怜的艾尔默,” 她温柔的说。

56、They also refer to as around-like soft. 他们也会如绕指般的温柔。

57、Killing me softly with his song. 我醉倒在他温柔的歌声里。

58、Art thou weary, tender heart? 温柔的心,你是否倦了?

59、"Hello," he said softly. "你好,"他温柔地说道。"

60、Because of your gentleness and consideration. 因为的温柔体贴。

61、Blessed are the meek. 温柔的人有福了。

62、The days are dry, a soft, gentle wind is blowing. 天气是干的,柔软的,温柔的风扑面而来。

63、Tender Poison:Romantic mild poison with gentle bird to breath people can not resist your charm. 柔情毒药:浪漫温和的毒药,散发温柔婉约小鸟依人般的气息,让人无法抗拒您的魅诱。

64、Hisui smiles gently at him. 翡翠温柔地冲着他笑了。

65、因为你的温柔体贴 because of your gentleness and considerate

66、Speak tenderly to them. 温柔地对他们说。

67、Branchlets and inflorescence rachis sply scent or rulent. 小枝和花序轴疏生短柔毛或者被微柔毛。

68、Will be Thy gentle gopi maids. 如同温柔的牧牛姑娘。

69、Thus mellow'd to that tender light 那温柔的光也因此而越加醇美

70、Ovary and achene body scent. 子房和瘦果身体短柔毛。

71、Prepare, and joyn your tender Voices here. 准备,并加入你温柔的声音。

72、Slowly, gently, night unfurls splendor. 慢慢地,温柔地,夜色铺开锦缎。

73、But with his soft- hearted rejection. 但在他温柔的宛然拒绝声中。

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