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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-15 14:45:15
  • 105


关于”表建议的句型“的英语句子32个,句子主体:Table suggested sentence patterns。以下是关于表建议的句型的高考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Table suggested sentence patterns

1、Double-clicking on the lightbulb will bring up a list of suggested fixes. 双击该灯泡状图标将调出建议的修复列表。

2、I recommend 2-3" diameter wheel for your first robot. 我建议你的第一个机器人应该使用直径是2-3"的轮子。

3、Could you suggest the best container/doubly-linked list for my scope? 你能建议最好的容器/双链接列表我的范围?

4、Rank releases a statement recommending shareholders reject the 150p-a-share Guoco offer. Rank发表声明,建议股东拒绝每股150磅的国浩收购价。

5、I recommend creating a Command struct with fields and codes to represent commands and their arguments. 我建议用字段和代码创建一个命令结构来表示命令及其参数。

6、The inaugural 44Con was Britain's first major conference for the good guys of infosec. 44会议典礼的开幕代表着英国第一次大型的信息安全专家会议的诞生。

7、HJ-relay. Miniature relay for wide applications. Without Au plating type. Plug-in type (with LED indication and test on). 2 form C. Coil voltage 110 V DC. 黄建忠中继。微型继电器广泛的应用。没有镀金的类型。插件型(带LED指示灯和测试按钮)。2表C线圈电压110伏直流电。

8、The notation, however, is advisory and has no effect on actual types and values. 但是该符号是建议性的,对实际类型和值没有任何影响。

9、She strongly refutes any suggestion that she behaved unprofessionally. 她强烈驳斥任何建议,她的表现违反职业道德标准。

10、Therefore, they should be modeled as glossary terms and the member type to which the attributes belong should be modeled as categories to indicate the containment aspect (see Figure 2 ). 因此,它们应该被作为术语表的术语建模,而属性所属于的成员类型则应作为类别建模以表明包含关系(参见 图 2)。

11、She also pointed out that Changsha is being developed as a low-carbon city that is environment friendly and resource conserving. 谢建辉表示,长沙目前正在建设环境友好型、资源节约型的低碳城市。

12、HJ-relay. Miniature relay for wide applications. Without Au plating type. Plug-in type (with CR and LED indication). 2 form C. Coil voltage 120 V AC. 黄建忠中继。微型继电器广泛的应用。没有镀金的类型。插件型(与CR和LED指示)。2表C线圈电压为120伏交流电。

13、The value provider supplies the suggestion list to the auto-complete control. 值提供者会为自动完成控件提供建议列表。

14、The representative of China further confirmed that the mechanism established pursuant to Section 2(A) of the Protocol would be operative upon accession. 中国代表进一步确认,根据议定书(草案)第2条(A)节所建立的机制将自加入时起开始运转。

15、Both Lumeng and Sheldon recommended trying to keep a consistent sleep schedule. Lumeng和Sheldon都建议尽量保证固定的睡眠时间表。

16、It was suggested that we(should) give a performance at the party. 人们建议我们在晚会上表演节目。

17、Could you give me some advice about how to fill in the form? 你能就如何填这张表格提点建议吗?

18、The following table briefly describes the OV products and suggests an order in which to create them. 的表格简要地说明了 OV 产品,并建议了一个创建这些产品的顺序。

19、Create a 2-by-2 table. 创建一个 2 乘 2 表格。

20、"Hold on," I suggested. "Do we need a database table yet? “等一等,” 我建议他,“我们现在就需要数据库表么?

21、O.K., now let's turn these suggestions into a list of possible improvements 好,现在让我们将这些建议转变成可能改进的列表

22、2:When I got to the meeting in Chicago and opened my proposal, I found out Ryan had put the wrong proposal inside. 他说:我到芝加哥参加业务会议时,打开我的建议书才发现Ryan张冠李戴放错了建议书。

23、Large, complex enterprises may often have good reasons for deviating from some of the recommendations. 大型的复杂企业可能通常有背离这些建议的充分理由。

24、Creating a SSRS report that overlay data on form images for the C-2 Form 为有图表叠加内容的C - 2表格创建一个SSRS的报表

25、you have created Spring and LDM stereotyped models and the tables for the entities. 您已经创建了 Spring 与 LDM 构造型模型和实体的数据表。


26、From the comparison sheet, you can tell we have 21,000 RMB more features than Magotan 1.8T standard, there is no MSRP difference, the Mondeo's value is 21,000RMB more than Magotan 1.8T standard. 从以上配置比较分析表中,您可看出蒙迪欧-致胜时尚型的配置比迈腾1.8T标准型多21,000元,厂家建议零售价一样,蒙迪欧-致胜时尚型比迈腾1.8T标准型超值21,000元。

27、Again, this notation is advisory, and those designations show intent only. 再次说明,该标记是建议性的,并且那些名称仅表明目的。

28、1/2 cup dry cereal (suggested - Cheerios, oatmeal, and Frosted Mini-Wheats) 2杯干麦片(建议——Cheerios、燕麦粥、磨砂的幼粒小麦)。

29、FDA officials have refrained from taking a position on the Enzi-Kennedy bill but say they are considering the Institute of Medicine suggestions, many of which are similar to ideas in the legislation. FDA的官员没有对Enzi-Kennedy的议案表态,但是说他们正在考虑医学研究所的建议,很多建议同法规的观念相似。

30、Execute the events.ddl DDL statements to create a database table (in events-service/setup) 执行 events.ddl DDL 语句以创建数据库表(在 events-service/setup 中)。

31、Method: Establishing the EAE model and detecting the expression and distribution of MMP-2 and -9 in different type EAE with the method of IHC. 方法:建立多病程大鼠EAE模型,以免疫组化的方法检测MMP-2、MMP-9在不同类型EAE中的表达及分布。

32、There is typically a council of aristocrats; that is the outfit that counts. 只有典型的贵族议会,至少外表上是这样的

33、While the m need a platform to express their opinions or suggestions. 而公众需要一个平台去表达他们的意见或建议。

34、Next the code dynamically creates the list of suggestions for the user to pick from and places the list inside the suggest div created in the HTML. 然后代码自动创建建议列表供用户选择,并把列表放入 HTML 的 suggest div 中。

35、The model performance has been ilrated by comparing the model prediction results with the data of triaxial compression tests on rockfill material in the wide range of the confining-pressure. 用建议模型对某土石坝的石渣料进行了和比较,结果表明,模型能够合理地粒状材料的变形和强度特性。

36、The amoebic shapes reappear in the rest of the space as the columns that interpenetrates the stairs and rest of the building. 异形玻璃钢造型也出现在诸如圆柱造型的表面,以及楼梯和建筑物其他空间的造型表面。

37、Therefore, it was proposed to construct ontology based on the existing thesauri. 因此,有人提议,以现有叙词表为基础构建本体。

38、TheSenate voted, 61-36 (with 2 not voting) on February 9 to end debate onthe bill and advance it to the Senate floor to vote on the bill itself. 参议院投票表决, 61-36 ( 2没有参加表决) 2月9日结束辩论该法案并将其推进到参议院进行投票表决本身。

39、Table 2: Author's proposed syntax for describing process pointcuts 表 2:笔者提议的描述过程横切点的语法

40、This Recommendation provides the stage 2 service description of the Three-Party supplementary service. 该建议提供三方补充业务的第2级业务描述。

41、It is superficial to give advice that one does not follow oneself. 给他人建议,自己却不依从,是为表面。

42、The author advised importing "colorful income statement", reporting comprehensive income. 第五,建议引入“彩色利润表”,报告全面收益。

43、HJ-relay. Miniature relay for wide applications. Without Au plating type. Plug-in type (with CR and LED indication). 2 form C. Coil voltage 200 V AC. 黄建忠中继。微型继电器广泛的应用。没有镀金的类型。插件型(与CR和LED指示)。2表C线圈电压200伏交流电。

44、The maximum size of such LDS VSAM datasets would depend indirectly upon the type of table space you create and the parameters you specify on the CREATE statement. 这种 LDS VSAM 数据集的最大尺寸将间接取决于您创建的表空间的类型和您在 CREATE 语句上指定的参数。

45、He proposes to extend the interest subvention of 2 per cent for one more year for exports covering handicrafts, carpets, handlooms and small and medium enterprises. 他建议出口的2%的利息补助将超过一年,包括手工艺品,地摊,手摇织机和中小型企业。

46、Subsequently, hypotheses in the model are modified by the exploratory interviews. 2. A localization inventory is researched and developed. 随后通过探索性研究访谈,得到修正的假设关系模型。2、 分析和建立本土化的研究量表。

47、Objective To establish an MT-2 cell model infected by HCV in vitro. 目的建立体外丙型肝炎病毒感染的MT-2细胞模型。

48、Building an audio model with HTK requires that you express the grammar in a particular format, as in Listing 2. 利用 HTK 构建一个音频模型需要您用特定的格式表达文法,如 清单 2 所示。

49、Frankly, establishing the parameters of consent among humans can be just as controversial. 坦白地说,在人类中建立表态参数是有争议的。

50、One small round table, for small adhoc meetings of 2-3 people. 还需要一个小圆桌,供2至3人的小型会议使用。


51、This form includes some suggested queries to jumpstart the user. 该表单包含一些建议查询供用户参考。

52、Compared with genetic algorithm(GA), it was shown that EGSA was better than GA. 比较结果表明:本文建议的方法更有效和准确。

53、Oper outside of the parameters specified in the Electricing Characteristics section is not implied. 建议不要事务在电特性表划定的参数界限以外。

54、Comparing with the experimental results, computation formulas can meet accuracy requirements and provide theoretical basis for the design of BSRC beams. 与试验结果对比表明,建议的公式满足精度要求,可为箱形型钢混凝土梁的设计提供理论依据。

55、At this point the couple may improvise by playing a favorite song, reading a scripture, etc. suggested scriptures might be genesis 2:21-25, mark 10:6-8 and 1 cor 13:4-7 此时新郎和新娘应播放喜欢的歌曲,读一段圣经中的词句,等等。建议从《创世纪》中节选。

56、SMBG is recommended 3 or more times daily for most patients with type 1 diabetes but at least once daily for persons with type 2 disease. 对多数患1型糖尿病患者来说,建议每天进行3次或3次以上血糖自我监测,2型糖尿病患者每天应进行至少1次的监测。

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