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关于劳动的英语作文_labour 4篇

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-17 18:35:59
  • 132

关于劳动的英语作文_labour 4篇



May 1 is international labor day, which is to commemorate the historic struggle of the working people all over the world. It began in the United States in the s, striving for eight working days. Until today, labor day is an annual legal holiday, a festival to celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers in various places.

Over the years, it has evolved from a simple trade union celebration to a general one In the festival of "the last Carnival in summer", many people choose to travel, some go to the cinema, some go to the park, and others stay at home to work. It is glorious for us to respect the workers. " ============================================.




① ② (3) to go to the countryside is a new thing for students. It is totally different from claoom learning. It is full of curiosity and excitement.

Our Sopres began to learn from farmers in Jianxing village, Jiangwan Township, not far from Shanghai. The first day's work was not to cultivate the land, but to let us pull up s. ③ it seemed easy to the fields, but it was not s at all They were born together, and there were so many s that we could hardly see the crops.

Some of the s were so deep that even two people could not pull them up. Weeding has been going on for three days, and our back and legs hurt. But on the fourth day, we were very happy to see the results of the exercise.

The boys in our class were asked to scoop mud from the river bed and transport it to the field. The mud is very fertile and is used to grow tomatoes. We carried mud in trolleys, and it was difficult for a boy to push a cart on a muddy path.

In our spare time, other students pulled grass, filled plastic cups with soil, and others carried iron pipes from one place to another. We visited the farmers' houses. We were very happy to see that the living standards of the farmers were improving rapidly.

There were color TV sets, washing machines and refrigerators in their families. We were shocked. I know that an ordinary farmer can earn ten times as much as 5000 yuan a year, but I am sorry to say that the cultural level is still very low.

We went back to school last week, although we only worked for two weeks We have learned a lot, which is my unforgettable experience: ① curiosity [kju ri '& Siti] n ② until [til] V ③ s [wi: D] n ④ cers [KL) st] V ⑤ s [inventory unit: P] V ⑥ play [ig'z: T] V ⑦ literacy ['lit r Si] n.


① ②③④⑤⑥(下乡学生)下乡对学生来说是新生事物,完全不同于课堂学习,充满好奇①和兴奋,我们高二学生在离上海不远的姜湾乡建兴村开始了向农民学习的活动,第一天的工作不是耕种土地,而是让我们拔除野草③在田里除草似乎很容易,但根本不是杂草丛生在一起的,而且杂草太多了,我们几乎看不见庄稼有些杂草根很深,连两个人都拔不起来。锄草已经连续三天了,我们的后背和腿都疼,但第四天我们很高兴看到锻炼的成果,我们班的男生们被要求从河床上舀起泥运到地里。泥很肥沃,用来种西红柿。

我们用手推车运泥,一个男孩很难在泥泞的小路上推着车。我们除了运泥,还使出了所有的力气把车往前推在我们的课余时间里,其他学生拔草,用塑料杯装满土,还有人拿着铁管从一个地方搬到另一个地方。我们参观了农民的住房,我们很高兴地看到农民的生活水平正在迅速提高,家庭里有彩电、洗衣机和冰箱,我们感到震惊我知道一个普通农民一年能挣到五千元的十倍,但是我很遗憾地说,文化水平仍然很低,我们上星期回到学校,虽然我们只工作了两个星期,我们学到了很多,这是我终生难忘的经历①好奇心[kju ri'&siti]n②一直到[til]v③杂草[wi:d]n④簇[kl)st]v⑤勺[库存单位:p]v⑥发挥[ig'z:t]v⑦识字['lit r si]n。


International Labor Day, also known as may day, is celebrated on the first day of May, because people may know that labor day is to rest on this day, but most countries do not know how this day came and the story behind it. At the end of the century, in order to make more money, cruel capitalists asked their employers to work all day long, but only gave them low wages. In the United States, workers have to work at least a few hours a day.

Sometimes, because of unfair pay, they even work for a long time. Workers know that they must stand up and fight for their rights, or they will die young. Then the workers begin to strike and demand that the reasonable working hours should be a few hours a day.

The capitalists do not pay attention to the workers' demands You have to fight for your rights. On May 1st, unions in the United States and Canada held the largest strike after that day, and the law passed the rules on the working hours of workers. The strike made it unnecessary for workers to endure long hours of low paid work.

International Labor Day commemorates the spirit of bravery and the happiness of former workers who have made great contributions to today.




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